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defenestrate ['di:'fenɪstreɪt] nstresses
book. выбросить из окна (‘Those captured are killed by a variety of means: some are hanged, some are decapitated, some are drawn and quartered, some are defenestrated (thrown from upper floor windows), some are put into sacks and thrown into the Loire to drown.')
inf. снять с занимаемой позиции или должности (политический контекст // Remove or dismiss (someone) from a position of power or authority.: ‘Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair, seen as modernising go-getters in their early years in office, had eventually to be defenestrated by their own colleagues to save their party's reputation.'; informal YudinMS)
inf., comp. перестать пользоваться виндой (to stop using the Windows operating system 'More); перестать пользоваться виндами (to stop using the Windows operating system 'More); перестать пользоваться Windows (to stop using the Windows operating system 'More); перестать пользоваться "форточками" (to stop using the Windows operating system 'More)
relig. выбросить из окна (To execute by throwing from a window); казнить путём выбрасывания из окна (‘Those captured are killed by a variety of means: some are hanged, some are decapitated, some are drawn and quartered, some are defenestrated (thrown from upper floor windows), some are put into sacks and thrown into the Loire to drown.')
uncom. выкидывать человека из окна (с целью покалечить или убить // rare Throw (someone) out of a window.)
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Uncommon / rare1