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compulsory reporting pointstresses
avia. контрольный пункт (A reporting point over which an aircraft must report to ATC. Such points are designated on aeronautical charts by solid triangles or filed in a flight plan (FP) as fixes selected to define direct routes. These points are geographical locations that are defined by NAVAIDs or fixes – Контрольный пункт (ориентир) – определенный географический ориентир, относительно которого должно быть сообщено местонахождение воздушного судна. Alexander Demidov); пункт обязательных донесений; пункт обязательного донесения (сокр. ПОД, CPR Anchovies)
meteorol. пункт обязательных донесений (в том числе данных метеонаблюдений)
tech. пункт обязательного донесения
 English thesaurus
compulsory reporting point
avia., Canada A reporting point over which an aircraft must report to ATC. Such points are designated on aeronautical charts by solid triangles or filed in a flight plan FP as fixes selected to define direct routes. These points are geographical locations that are defined by NAVAIDs or fixes.
compulsory reporting point
: 2 phrases in 1 subject