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change one's waysstresses
gen. изменить поведение в лучшую сторону (He might change his ways after being in prison Margo87); браться за ум (Abysslooker); измениться (т.е. стать иным человеком VadZ); ломать себя; ломать свой характер
Игорь Миг переучиваться (Он уже в почтенном возрасте, и переучиваться ему трудно – He is already quite elderly and it's hard for him to change his ways (Michele Berdy)); переделать себя; перевоспитаться
idiom. взяться за ум (It is said that an old woman who lived in the village here was directed by God to warn the people to change their ways, in some stories the old woman is portrayed as a Nun. When the people ignored the warnings God dispatched a number of Angels who removed the land where the village stood, only sparing the chapel which can still be seen on the edge of the crater. wordpress.com ART Vancouver); изменить образ жизни (It is said that an old woman who lived in the village here was directed by God to warn the people to change their ways, in some stories the old woman is portrayed as a Nun. When the people ignored the warnings God dispatched a number of Angels who removed the land where the village stood, only sparing the chapel which can still be seen on the edge of the crater. wordpress.com ART Vancouver); исправиться (It is said that an old woman who lived in the village here was directed by God to warn the people to change their ways, in some stories the old woman is portrayed as a Nun. When the people ignored the warnings God dispatched a number of Angels who removed the land where the village stood, only sparing the chapel which can still be seen on the edge of the crater. wordpress.com ART Vancouver)
change someone's ways
Makarov. менять чей-либо образ жизни; менять чьи-либо привычки
change ways
: 9 phrases in 3 subjects
Drug-related slang2