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brouhaha ['bru:hɑ:hɑ:] nstresses
gen. шумиха; сенсация; сенсационное или скандальное происшествие; стычка; скандал (Of course, there were objections to the decision to honor Brennan, though the incident was drowned out by the well-covered brouhaha about Kathleen Sebelius at Georgetown, part of a well-organized right-wing Catholic campaign, involving the Archbishop of Washington and The Cardinal Newman Society, against having allegedly heretical and morally objectionable speakers at Catholic institutions. thepolemicist.net); сенсационное происшествие; скандальное происшествие; свистопляска (ART Vancouver); переполох (A noisy and overexcited reaction or response to something.

‘the brouhaha over those infamous commercials'

mass noun ‘all that election brouhaha' Bullfinch); ажиотаж (Bullfinch)

Игорь Миг возня; неразбериха; фурор; кутерьма; сумятица; суматоха; гвалт; сыр-бор; шум; катавасия; кагал; чехарда; свалка (потасовка)
hockey. потасовка (VLZ_58); драка (Один из эвфемизмов "fighting". So many things have changed since 1987. For instance, today's disciplined Canadian squads wouldn't think of blowing their shot at a gold medal by getting into a full-fledged brouhaha, regardless of the rights or wrongs of the situation. VLZ_58)
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