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gen. ударить резко и наотмашь (to hit someone's face (usually the cheek) with the back of one's hand; картинка для наглядности) He liked the way he scared her half to death, the way he bitch-slapped her across the face for nothing and knocked her down on the floor, bloodying her nose. 4uzhoj); отвесить оплеуху (4uzhoj)
inf. прописать леща (Bartek2001); дать леща (Bartek2001)
bitch slap
gen. залепить пощёчину (4uzhoj); влепить пощёчину (I wish I could personally bitch slap everyone who continues to twist the facts of his horrific death in order to kiss up to the Russian president and his lackeys. 4uzhoj); заехать пощёчину (4uzhoj)
inf. резкая и сильная пощёчина (тыльной стороной ладони, в отличие от pimp slap Vadim Rouminsky); пощёчина (Прохор)
 English thesaurus
Bitch Slap
rude, abbr. BS