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be that as it maystresses
gen. как бы то ни было; как бы ни обстояло дело; так или иначе (rechnik); вне зависимости от того, так это или нет (User); тем не менее (Alexander Demidov); в любом случае (financial-engineer); что бы ни было
Игорь Миг при всём при том; во всяком случае; вместе с тем; при всём том; всё же
cliche. как бы там ни было (Well, be that as it may, I'm not about to sign this. • Suggesting that the strange saga of the mystery monoliths is far from over, a third such object has now been found atop a mountain in California. As with the previous pair of found objects, the origin and purpose of the California piece are unknown. Be that as it may, the discovery of a third monolith has, understandably, led to speculation that the objects are part of a some kind of marketing stunt. (coasttocoastam.com) • Be that as it may, with the first formation of 2024 now in the books, additional designs will undoubtedly begin to appear in fields throughout the UK over the weeks and months to come as this year's crop circle season unfolds. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
Be that as it may
gen. даже если и так, то (Контекст: "...Russian people enjoyed the standard of living they enjoy today: more money, more cars, more homes, more food, more goods. The anti-Putinites will grumble that this has everything to do with the high price of oil and nothing to do with Putin. BE THAT AS IT MAY, for the average Russian that argument rings hollow. Most people, not just Russians, vote with their wallets and stomachs..."(The New York Times) sashkomeister); что бы там ни было (Andrey Truhachev)
be that as it may
: 7 phrases in 2 subjects