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attorney's feesstresses
gen. расходы на представителей (gennier); расходы на оплату услуг представителя (Attorney's fee is a chiefly United States term for compensation for legal services performed by an attorney (lawyer or law firm) for a client, in or out of court. wiki Alexander Demidov); расходы на юридических советников (attorney's fee (plural attorney's fee) (law): the fee charged by an attorney for work done in relation to a lawsuit or other work done by an attorney. (law): an amount set by a court to be awarded to a prevailing party based on the reasonable fee that their attorney should have charged, based on the length and complexity of the case. WT Alexander Demidov)
law расходы на представителя при рассмотрении дела в суде (the payment for legal services. It can take several forms: 1) hourly charge, 2) flat fee for the performance of a particular service (like $250 to write a will), 3) contingent fee (such as one-third of the gross recovery, and nothing if there is no recovery), 4) statutory fees (such as percentages of an estate for representing the estate), 5) court-approved fees (such as in bankruptcy or guardianships), 6) some mixture of hourly and contingent fee or other combination. thefreedictionary.com Alexander Demidov); расходы на юридические услуги (VictorMashkovtsev); суммы, уплаченные адвокату в связи с оказанием юридической помощи (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk); вознаграждение адвокату (Andrey Truhachev); вознаграждение услуг адвоката (Andrey Truhachev); оплата труда адвоката (Andrey Truhachev); расходы на оплату адвоката (Andrey Truhachev); вознаграждение адвоката за оказанную юридическую помощь (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
attorney's fee
law гонорар атторнея (адвоката); жалованье государственного атторнея; гонорар адвоката; гонорарный сбор (Регламент МКАС при ТПП РФ Lavrov); вознаграждение адвоката за оказанную юридическую помощь (Alex_Odeychuk)
notar. адвокатский гонорар; адвокатское вознаграждение; вознаграждение адвоката
patents. гонорар поверенного
attorney's fees
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