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to phrases
at your ordersstresses
report as ordered
mil. "слушаюсь"; "рад стараться"
mil., context. слушаю (‘Liaison,'' he called, ‘‘liaison.'' Remberto Davis's agile and thin body approached, splashing in the mud.‘‘At your orders, sir,'' he said. 4uzhoj)
mil., mean.2 как прикажете (4uzhoj); слушаюсь (Inspector Escherich raised his head like one awakening. He gave orders: "I want the woman taken away in an ambulance. Two-man escort. You're in charge, Kemmel. There's to be no interrogation; in fact, I don't want anyone to speak to her." "At your orders, sir!" • "For now, just ride herd on the squad, and make sure things get done." "At your orders, sir." Kuijpers gives a snappy salute and turns away.); будет сделано (That's right, he was the proud Captain of the Knight's Corp. He shouldn't show insecurity in front of his subordinates: "Get in contact with the outer wall. Tell them to activate a Ghoul from the south! That prisoner must not be allowed to escape!" "At your orders, Sir!" The Vice-Captain and the guards energetically responded.); так точно (4uzhoj)
at your orders
: 2 phrases in 1 subject