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aged like milkstresses
gen. потерять актуальность (the metaphor means "to lose relevance" and simply highlights the declining significance of the aged information; the origin of the metaphor is a bit tricky to pinpoint definitively, but it likely emerged in online communities in the early 2010s, with no clear distinction between American or British English. It quickly gained traction due to its simplicity and effectiveness in conveying the idea of something becoming outdated or poorly conceived: This meme aged like milk. It was hilarious yesterday, but now it's painfully unfunny Taras); выйти из моды (emphasizes lost humor and changing trends: His jokes aged like milk. They were funny ten years ago, but now they're cringeworthy – Его шутки вышли из моды, как прошлогодние шляпки. Смешили десять лет назад, но сейчас звучат кринжевато Taras); не выдержать испытания временем (a more figurative translation. It emphasizes the failure of the content to remain relevant or accurate Taras); устареть (His once-popular opinions have aged like milk • The political strategy used during the campaign has aged like milk • This fashion trend aged like milk. It went from chic to cheesy in a year • Their technology aged like milk. It's already obsolete compared to newer models • ...aged like two year old milk – Alex Jones Show Taras); "прокиснуть" (Taras); "заплесневеть" (Taras); пропадать (исчезать: Their initial enthusiasm for the project aged like milk. It quickly evaporated once reality set in Taras)
age like milk
gen. устаревать слишком быстро (That comedy from the '90s really aged like milk-its jokes are now considered very offensive. vogeler)