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noun | word form | to phrases
zen [zen] nstresses
rel., budd. дзэн-буддизм; дзэн
Zen [zen] n
rel., budd. дзен; чань; дхьяна
zen form.
chinese.lang. цзэнь (транскрипции по системе Палладия, используемой для передачи кириллицей звуков китайского языка, соответствует данная транскрипция на основе латиницы по системе ханьюй пиньинь Alex_Odeychuk)
Zen form.
sl., drug. ЛСД
 English thesaurus
zen [zen] n
fig., inf. an approach to an activity, skill, or subject that emphasizes simplicity and intuition rather than conventional thinking or fixation on goals (the zen of cooking • the zen of passing the bar exam • the zen of C++ wiktionary.org)
rel., budd. a denomination of Buddhism (also a profound meditation within that denomination of Buddhism; Usage notes: Often capitalized, similar to a proper noun, when talking about the denomination proper (compare Catholicism), rather than the philosophy or calm: “That’s very zen.” versus “She studies Zen Buddhism.”)
Zen [zen] abbr.
abbr., oil zone
ZEN [zen] abbr.
abbr. Zero Effort Network; Zero Effort Networking; Zero Engine Noise; Zip Easy Now
abbr., biochem. zearalenone (igisheva)
abbr., oil zero energy waste
zen form.
inf. relaxed and not worrying about things that you cannot change (Don't worry about doing the right thing with your baby - be more zen about it and you'll be happier cambridge.org Shabe)
zen. abbr.
abbr. zenith
: 29 phrases in 11 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Drug-related slang1
Figure of speech1
High energy physics1
Hotel industry1