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SRC abbr.stresses
abbr. ГРП (State Registration Chamber; Государственная регистрационная палата Gr. Sitnikov); Общество Красного Креста Суринама (Suriname Red Cross Дюнан)
construct. бетон, армированный стальным каркасом; СЖБ (MichaelBurov); сталежелезобетон (MichaelBurov)
energ.syst. СУЗД – система управления замедленного действия (Slow Response Control system skyoliver5)
lab.eq. стандартная референс кассета (Alex Lilo)
med. ГНИЦ (Государственный научно-исследовательский центр, State Research Center dragster); маленькие круглые клетки (small round cells Ying)
O&G, karach. КГД ( gov.kz Aiduza); Комитет государственных доходов ( gov.kz Aiduza); Государственная комиссия по запасам полезных ископаемых Республики Казахстан (Aiduza)
O&G, sakh. Государственная комиссия по запасам полезных ископаемых (ГКЗ при Министерстве природных ресурсов РФ, State Reserves Committee under the RF Ministry of Natural Resources)
org.name. Субрегиональный координатор
tech. однооборотная муфта (single revolution clutch foriamhere)
telecom. Стоимость удержания абонента (Subscriber Retention Cost Imoen)
Игорь Миг, scient. Государственный научный центр
src abbr.
IT Sample Rate Conversion-преобразование частоты дискретизации (shooraalee)
met. контейнер из алюминиевой фольги (semi rigid container zemike)
 English thesaurus
SRC abbr.
abbr. Salary Review Committee; Scientific Review Committee; Software Requirements Committee; State Records Center; State Regulatory Commission; State Resource Conservationist; Surname Resource Centre; Semiconductor Research Council (organization, USA); Signal Reserve Corps; slot racing car (Alexander Oshis); Standard Context Routing (MODACOM); Strategic Reconnaissance Center; Synchrotron Radiation Center; Safety Research Center; standard requirement code
abbr., adv. self-reference criterion
abbr., auto. selective ride control; Self Regulating Ceramic (тип свечи накаливания - саморегулирующаяся керамическая translator911); service ride control; signal range check; standard road cycle
abbr., avia. sensitivity range control; service response center; Science Research Council; secondary right computer; spare release card; shop resident control; short range clamp; spares release card; special release card; survey research center; system and research center
abbr., BrE Space Research Council; special regular commissions
abbr., busin. self reference criterion; source
abbr., chem.ind. solvent recovery column (Paul_K)
abbr., comp., IT System Resource Controller
abbr., comp., net. Simple Ratio Combining (простое сложение/суммирование соотношений; термин связан с устройствами Wi-Fi Amica_S)
abbr., comp.name. Singapore Refining Co. Pte., Ltd.
abbr., construct. CRC (MichaelBurov); composite reinforced concrete (MichaelBurov); SCC (MichaelBurov); steel-concrete composite (MichaelBurov); steel-reinforced concrete (MichaelBurov)
abbr., desert. short rotation coppice
abbr., earth.sc. sulphate resisting cement; sulfate-reducing conditions
abbr., ed. Summer Reading Club
abbr., ed., scient. Student Representative Council
abbr., el. Science Research Council; sample rate converter; satellite receive center; send register control; series resonant converter; shift register chain; short-range correlation (model); signaling route control; silicon readout cell; simplified reaction and coagulation model; smart radio concept; spiral redundancy check; standard reference code; status routine channel; storage reference counter; strategic research center; subject-field reference code; superconducting resonant circuit; synchronous remote control; systems research center
abbr., el., scient. Semiconductor Research Corporation
abbr., file.ext. Multi-edit source (Multi-Edit Vosoni)
abbr., IT Sample Rate Conversion; Source Code File
abbr., libr. standard recording code
abbr., med. Rous Sarcoma Oncogene; Sedimented Red Cells; Sheep Red Cells; Signed Reaction Center; Steroid Receptor; steroidal receptor coactivator (harser)
abbr., mil. Standard Rolling Conditions; Submarine Rescue Chamber; security risk category; service reception center; Single Integrated Operational Plan SIOP response cell; survival recovery center
abbr., mil., avia. sample rock container; Sperry Rand Corporation
abbr., mil., WMD single round container
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. State Reserve Committee; State Reserves Commission under the RF Ministry of Natural Resources; State Reserves Committee under the RF Ministry of Natural Resources
abbr., O&G, sakh. State Reserves Commission under Ministry of Natural Resources of the RF; State Reserves Committee (Russian Sakhalin Energy); State Reservoir Comity (Russian)
abbr., oil semi-rigid centralizer; Schlumberger Reservoir Completions Center; solids return channel; slipover roller centralizer; Sound Ranging Center; sound ranging set; spectral reflectance of conodonts; spiral rigid centralizer; spring roller centralizer; statistical reflection coefficient
abbr., pharma. SCID-repopulating cells (Wakeful dormouse)
abbr., physiol. Stimulus, Response, and Consequence
abbr., physiol., med. Stimulus Response And Consequence
abbr., railw. Strasburg Railroad Company; Sudan Railways Corporation
abbr., scottish Strategic Reconnaissance Centre; Submarine Refit Centre
abbr., space secondary radar code; square root raised cosine
abbr., sport. Sunnybank Rugby Club
abbr., tradem. Scientific Research Computing; Sperry Research Center, Sudbury, Massachusetts; Steve Rifkind Company; Syracuse Research Corporation
abbr., voll. special referee committee
gas.proc. solvent refined coal
insur. second risk cover
mil. short-range caliber; spares receiving checklist; standard requirements code; stock record card
tech. self-registering contact; send/receive center; shutdown reactor cooling; solvent-refined coal; sound ranging control
.src abbr.
file.ext. Source (file name extension)
.SRC abbr.
IT application/x-wais-source
: 20 phrases in 11 subjects
Gas processing plants1
Mass media5
Molecular biology1
Ore formation1
Sakhalin R1