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SPR abbr.stresses
abbr. ППР (iwona)
construct. Ремонт водопропускной трубы (метод; Sewer pipe renovation konol)
math. спектральный радиус (spectral radius)
O&G стратегический нефтяной резерв (сокр. от "strategic petroleum reserve" Alex_Odeychuk)
oil стратегический нефтяной запас (MichaelBurov); ШНГ (MichaelBurov); СШН (MichaelBurov); штанговый насос глубинный (MichaelBurov); скважинный штанговый насос (MichaelBurov); балансирный станок-качалка (MichaelBurov); СНЗ (MichaelBurov); штанговый глубинный насос (MichaelBurov)
R&D. государственное планирование и исследования (MichaelBurov)
softw. Программный продукт для управления проектами (Smart plans review; Приложение для IPod tatnik)
tech. self piercing rivet – самопроникающая заклёпка (marusan)
 English thesaurus
SPR abbr.
abbr. Secret Periodic Reinvestigation; small parcels and rolls; State Planning And Research; Strategic Political Reserve; Sun Paul's Room; Sandia Pulsed Reactor; scheduled preventive repair (Alexander Demidov); Society for Pediatric Research; Society for Physical Research; sprinkler; Superior Court Special Proceedings Rules (Court Rules); semi-permanent repellant
abbr., avia. San Pedro, Brazil; sending packet rate; service and performance report; spares parts release (form); seal pressure ratio; servo pressure regulator; short pulse range; signal processing; signal processing radar; software product report; spares parts requirement; spares parts room; special program requirement; special purpose radar; subcontractor performance review; suppression; S/W problem report; Safety Performance Report; secondary point rating; Supplier Problem Report
abbr., avia., med. skin potential reflex
abbr., biol. serial-probe recognition (ННатальЯ)
abbr., biotechn. specific productivity (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
abbr., BrE supply refuelling point
abbr., busin. Solid - Propellant Rocket
abbr., corp.gov. Supply Chain Management & Procurement (Eleanor Rigby); Special Programme Resources
abbr., earth.sc. South Pacific Region; spacer
abbr., el. satellite parametric reduction; S-band planetary radar; secondary phase recovery; secret packet radio; selective printing; send priority and route; sense printer; sequential pattern recognition; sequential probability ratio; service processor; short pulse radar; signal processor; silicon-containing positive resist; single point responsibility; single pulse reflection; software performance report; spatial pattern recognition; spontaneous parametric radiation; storage protection register; subsystem parameter record; supervisor (environment monitor); surface plasma resonance; system parameter record; stencil, place, and reflow
abbr., el., scient. Semiconductor Process Representation
abbr., electr.eng. silicon power rectifier
abbr., file.ext. Special Purpose Register; Statistical Pattern Recognition; Supervisory Printer Read; Symmetrical Phase Recording; Generated executable screen file (FoxPro)
abbr., fin. Strategy, Policy, and Review Department
abbr., immunol. surface plasmon resonance (iwona)
abbr., IT Generated executable screen file; Sizzler Animation; Spreadsheet; Sprint Document letter; Sprite graphics image
abbr., med. Skin Potential Response; Sociedade Paulista De Radiologia E Diagnóstico Por Imagem; Society For Pediatric Radiology; Society For Pediatric Research; Superior Peroneal Retinaculum; Society of Pediatric Radiology (harser)
abbr., mil. Salvage Point Recording; Software Portability Review; Software Problem Report; System Performance Report; System Performance Requirements; System Program Review; Seconds per Rotation; software problem report
abbr., mil., avia. seconds per revolution rotation
abbr., mus. Smooth Performance Rhythm
abbr., nautic. San Pedro, Belize
abbr., nucl.phys. swimming pool reactor
abbr., O&G sucker rod pump
abbr., O&G, oilfield. sucker rod pump (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. SakhalinPrirodResources; SakhPrirodResources
abbr., O&G, sakh. committee of natural resources; SakhalinPrirodResourcy; Sakhalinprirodresourcy, Committee of natural resources, RAA
abbr., oil induction SP spontaneous potential reference; Strategic Petroleum Reserve (MichaelBurov); sucker-rod pump (MichaelBurov); shortest path ray (tracing); shortest path ray tracing (approach); single-point refueling
abbr., oil.lubr. Structure Property Relationship (A Hun)
abbr., org.name. Standardized Project Report
abbr., phys., scient. Surface Plasmon Resonance
abbr., physiol., med. Sprain; Spray
abbr., polym. super-processing rubber
abbr., post Small Parcels and Rolls (also IPP)
abbr., R&D. state planning and research (MichaelBurov)
abbr., railw. Southern Pacific Railroad
abbr., scottish Secure Packet Radio; Simplified Practice Recommendation; Solid-Propellant Rocket; Special Programme Review
abbr., space seconds per revolution; solid propellant rocket
abbr., tech. single point refueling
abbr., tradem. Sierra Pacific Resources
abbr., transp. Strategic Petroleum Reserve
abbr., typogr. serial printer
energ.ind. small power reactor; some preliminary results; swimming-pool reactor
mil. solid-propellant pocket; special program requirements; special programs review; special project report; special-purpose radar; special-purpose requirements; strategic petroleum reserve; supplementary progress report; supply performance report; support plans and requirements; system program review
oil, abbr. strategic petroleum reserves
wood. Southern pine residuals
SPR. abbr.
abbr. super natural rubber
Spr abbr.
abbr. spring; sapphirine; spar; sparry; Sapper (British Army)
spr. abbr.
abbr. spruce
abbr., libr. sprinkled
SpR UK abbr.
abbr. Specialist Registrar (врач-ординатор в Великобритании aksolotle)
spr abbr.
abbr. sapper
Spr. abbr.
abbr. spring
spr abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. specific resistance
SpR UK abbr.
abbr., med. Specialist Registrar (врач-ординатор в Великобритании aksolotle)
SpR abbr.
abbr., med. specialist registrar (faddyfeme)
: 3 phrases in 3 subjects