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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
SME nstresses
med. специалист в данной области (Subject matter expert BB50); эксперт (Subject matter expert BB50)
O&G, tengiz. специалист по данной теме (Yeldar Azanbayev); эксперт по данной теме (Yeldar Azanbayev)
O&G. tech. Общество горных инженеров (США, Society of Mining Engineers; источник: словарь Извекова)
polit. малое и среднее предпринимательство (MichaelBurov); малый и средний бизнес (MichaelBurov)
quant.mech. расширение стандартной модели (MichaelBurov); расширение СМ (MichaelBurov)
SME abbr.
abbr. МСП (малые и средние предприятия 4uzhoj); Профильный специалист или эксперт (Subject matter expert shadowoflight); узкопрофильный специалист (Subject Matter Expert Agasphere)
AI. эксперт в предметной области (сокр. от "subject matter expert" Alex_Odeychuk)
bank. МСБ (малый и средний бизнес; small and medium-sized enterprises eugene06)
busin. малые и средние предприятия (small and medium-sized enterprises; In 2010, Orange Russia launched a program targeting small and medium enterprises, or SMEs. TMT Alexander Demidov); субъект МСП (Alexander Matytsin)
manag. Общество горных инженеров, металлургов и геологов (Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration estherik)
mining. Общество горного дела, металлургии и геологоразведки (MichaelBurov)
O&G, karach. узкопрофильный эксперт (Aiduza)
O&G. tech. Общество горных инженеров (США, Society of Mining Engineers; источник: словарь Извекова)
tech. технический специалист (subjec-matter expert ybelov)
 English thesaurus
SME abbr.
abbr., avia. subject matter expert
abbr., econ. small and medium enterprises
abbr., food.ind. specific mechanical energy
SME abbr.
abbr. Senior Mining Engineer; Small And Medium Enterprise; Small and Medium Enterprises; Small And Medium-sized Enterprises; Small/ Medium Enterprise; Standard Metropolitan Enterprises; State Museum of Ethnography; State Of Mississippi Entrepreneurs; Sustaining Membership Enrollment; Sales and Marketing Executives, Inc.; Search Marketing Engineer; Short Message Entity (Juffin); Society of Military Engineers; Seismic Margin Earthquake (Millie); streaming mercury electrode
abbr., account. small and medium-sized enterprise
abbr., anim.husb. Small and Medium-scale Enterprise
abbr., astronaut. Solar Mesosphere Explorer
abbr., automat. shape memory effect; Society of Manufacturing Engineering
abbr., avia. small message entity; signaling message encription; shipping mechanical equipment
abbr., BrE School of Military Engineering
abbr., busin. the small or medium-sized enterprise
abbr., commun. Small Medium Enterprises
abbr., comp., net., IT Synchronous Modem Eliminator
abbr., earth.sc. secondary municipal effluent; Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration Inc.; spectral moment estimation; sulphite mill effluent
abbr., EBRD small and medium-sized enterprises (raf)
abbr., econ. subject-matter expert (Millie)
abbr., el. sampling memory expander; scan mirror electronics; semiconductor manufacturing equipment; signaling management equipment; small to medium enterprises; source monitoring equipment; statistical mean error; small and medium size enterprises; structure mapping engine
abbr., expl. site mixed emulsion; of ALME Society of Mining Engineers of
abbr., food.ind. Scale Model Engineering; Sunflower Methyl Ester
abbr., inet. Shopping Made Easy
abbr., IT Shape Memory Effect; Simple Menu Entry; Storage Management Engine
abbr., lab.eq. State Medical Examiner
abbr., mil. Significant Military Equipment; Subject Matter Expert
abbr., mil., avia. Office, Director of Maintenance Engineering, USAF
abbr., mining. Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc. (MichaelBurov); surface mobile equipment (as opposed to UGME (underground mobile equipment) Aiduza)
abbr., monk. Scale Model Equipment
abbr., oil safety management evaluation; Society of Mining Engineers; safety management engineering; Society of Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration
abbr., physiol. Severe Myoclonic Epilepsy; Slow Maxillary Expansion; Subacute Measles Encephalitis
abbr., polit. small and medium enterprise (MichaelBurov); small and medium entrepreneurship (MichaelBurov)
abbr., polym. Society of Manufacturing Engineers
abbr., scottish Special Mission Equipment; Syarikat Malaysia Explosives Sdn Bhd
abbr., sec.sys., IT Short Message Encryption
abbr., space small/medium enterprise
abbr., tradem. Scout Mountain Equipment; Small or Medium Enterprise
mil. Spartan missile equipment; standard medical examination; surface measuring equipment
tech. simulated mine entry
SME-AIME abbr.
abbr. Society of Mining Engineers (of AIME)
: 42 phrases in 11 subjects
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