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RI nstresses
account. остаточная прибыль (прибыль от ведения операций, которую центр инвестиций способен получить сверх минимальной нормы прибыли)
clin.trial. индекс репликации (marinchic12081979)
coal. индекс Рога (MichaelBurov); показатель Рога (MichaelBurov); индекс спекаемости угля (MichaelBurov); спекаемость угля (MichaelBurov); степень спекаемости угля (MichaelBurov)
el. устройство
geophys. параметр насыщения (MichaelBurov)
Gruzovik, IT целостность по ссылке (referential integrity)
Gruzovik, mil. радиоразведка (radio intelligence); радиоперехват (radio intelligence)
Gruzovik, signall. индикатор вызова (ring indicator); индикатор звонка (ring indicator)
med. реографический индекс (rheographic index eugeene1979)
oil Отчёт об исследованиях (издание Горного бюро США)
product. маршрутное поручение (Yeldar Azanbayev)
progr. обратная интеграция (Reverse integration (RI) occurs when you merge code from a child branch up to the parent branch. Alex_Odeychuk)
pulm. индекс отражения (MyMedPharm_Info)
stat. РИ (iwona)
tech. индекс стабильности Ризнара (Ryznar Stability Index, RSI (значение индекса стабильности Ризнара показывает, склонна ли вода к коррозии, стабильна или склонна к образованию накипи Jannywolf)
ri n
gen. ри (деревня wikipedia.org ABelonogov)
chinese.lang. жи (транскрипции по системе Палладия, используемой для передачи кириллицей звуков китайского языка, соответствует данная транскрипция на основе латиницы по системе ханьюй пиньинь Alex_Odeychuk)
RI abbr.
abbr. РИ (сокр. Республика Индия; abbr. Republic of India mindim2000)
el. управляющий сигнал интерфейса RS-232C
RI adj.
gen. религиозное обучение (Anglophile); ИР (индекс резистентности – resistance index Leatah)
avia. индивидуальный сбор (see point 6 at searchimprove.com aniusea)
energ.ind. повторяющиеся прерывания (MichaelBurov)
oil доля оплаты за право разработки недр (royalty interest); входной контроль (receiving inspection); забракованное изделие (rejected item); показатель надёжности (reliability index)
tech. шкала Редвуда (кинематическая вязкость Харламов); релейный вход (Adrax)
Ri adj.
pulm. сопротивление дыхательных путей на вдохе (inspiratory resistance)
RI abbr.
USA Род-Айленд (штат США Olga_Tyn)
 English thesaurus
RI abbr.
abbr., insur. reinsurance (Julchonok)
RI abbr.
abbr. radio inertial; Refractory Institute; Ring Index No.
abbr., avia. remove item; replacement item
abbr., commer. Registro Italiano Navale
abbr., desert. ripple index, ripple indices
abbr., earth.sc. radar indicator; radar interferometry; rapid infiltration; ring infiltrometer; roga's indices; rotational irrigation
abbr., footb. inside right
abbr., IT remote information
abbr., met. rolling index
abbr., oil radioactive isotope; radioisotope indicator; reflective index; reflective insulation; refractory index; Registro Italiano; resistivity of invaded zone; retention index; ripple index
abbr., physiol. resistance index (Баян)
abbr., pulm. respiratory insufficiency (igisheva)
abbr., space Rockwell International
Ri abbr.
abbr. repulsion-induction motor
abbr., earth.sc. richterite; riebeckite
RI abbr.
abbr. Real Interest; Recording Industry; Reference Implementation; Relative Interior; Residual Income; Rhode Island; Round Island; Radio Influence; Rambling Irishman; Random Insanity; Rapid Insert; Rapist Institution; Rear Impact; Receiver Induced; авто. rubber insulation; replication intermediate; replicative intermediate; radioactive istope; Recitation Instructor; Red Impact; Red Index; Redline Imports; Region I - King of Prussia, Pennsylvania; Region I-King of Prussia, Pennsylvania; Region II - Atlanta, Federal Center, Georgia; religious instruction (Anglophile); Reserve Index; Rest Interval; Retarded And Idiotic; Retarded Institution; Rex Imperator; Rex Ipse; Rollback Info; Rotary International; Routing Information; Royal Institute; Royal Institution
abbr., account. residual income
abbr., agric. relative intake; reproducibility index
abbr., auto. reaction injection molding; rear integration module; receipt, inspection, maintenance
abbr., automat. rate of interest
abbr., avia. radar interrogator; radio/inertial; radio installation; radio instrumentation; rate of issue; replaceable installations; replaceable item; required identification; right inboard; risk identification; runway incursion
abbr., BrE Royal Irish
abbr., cardiol. Recurrent ischaemia (Игорь_2006)
abbr., chem., scient. Radical Initiator
abbr., comp., net. relational indexing; rename-inhibit
abbr., el. radar information; radar intelligence; radio interface; receive interrupt; record identifier; register immediate; related information; relative intensity; repeat indication; resistivity increase; resonance ionization; response identifier; restricted item; retroactive interference
abbr., energ.ind. repeated interruptions (MichaelBurov)
abbr., file.ext. Lotus 1-2-3 Data; Read In; Ring Indicate
abbr., geophys. resistivity index (MichaelBurov)
abbr., inet. Rather Interesting
abbr., IT Referential Integrity; Register I; Return Index; Ring In; Ring Indicator
abbr., libr. rule interpretation
abbr., med. Intracellular Resistivity; reconstruction interval (Игорь_2006); reaction index; retroactive inhibition
abbr., mil. Request for Information; Refugees International; routing indicator
abbr., mil., air.def. radar interference
abbr., mil., WMD remedial investigation
abbr., min.proc. Roga index (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sakh. random inspection
abbr., oil reduction index; rig in (andrushin); royalty interest; resistivity index
abbr., ophtalm. rubeosis iridis (Баян)
abbr., physiol. resistive index (Баян)
abbr., physiol., med. Recurrence Interval; Respiratory Illness; Respiratory Infection
abbr., polit. Republic Of Indonesia; The Republic Of Ireland
abbr., polym. refractive index; rubber insulation
abbr., progr., IT Re Installing
abbr., scient. Royal Institution of Great Britain
abbr., scottish Risk Index; Routing Indicator
abbr., sec.sys., IT Ried Im
abbr., soil. ripples
abbr., st.exch. Ruby Tuesday, Inc.
abbr., tech. relay input (Adrax)
abbr., water.suppl. Remedial Investigation (EPA)
ecol. representativity index
energ.ind. radioisotope; re-insertion; reactor internals; Red impact of partitioning; Red transmutation and waste reduction technologies on the final nuclear waste disposal; reinforced insulation; reinstatement; remote indicator; report interval; rotational invariance; routine inspection; running inspection
mil. radar imagery; radar intercept; radiation intensity; radio intelligence; radio intercept; radio interference; radius of integration; range indicator; range instrumentation; readiness inspection; receiving inspection; recruit induction; recruit instruction; reliability index; report of investigation; routing identifier; routing instruction
O&G riser island
tech. radar identification; radar input; radiation indicator; radio-inertial; reactor island; rejected item; report of investigations; resident inspector; reverberation index
Ri abbr.
abbr. invaded zone resistivity; pore radius; resistivity of annulus zone; rate of initiation; induction log resistivity; Richardson criterion; Ringelmann number
abbr., med. inhibitory receptors
energ.ind. re-irradiation
ri abbr.
abbr. respiratory illness
el. ring indicator (july000)
O&G radius of investigation; sampled desired signal
ri abbr.
abbr., ed. aznews (daomao)
: 37 phrases in 13 subjects
Computer networks1
Oil and gas technology1
Weapons of mass destruction2