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RCP abbr.stresses
abbr. статистические сополимеры (random copolymers warsheep)
avia. программа управления надёжностью (Reliability Control Program geseb)
comp., net. дистанционный связной процессор
construct. запрос предложения о предоставлении услуг (Request for Call-off proposal Madi Azimuratov)
electric. реле контроля фаз (phase control relay Liliya R.)
environ. репрезентационная траектория концентраций (Dimohod)
Gruzovik, IT восстановить позицию курсора (restore cursor position)
Gruzovik, scient. главный циркуляционный насос ядерного реактора (reactor coolant pump); ГЦН (главный циркуляционный насос (ядерного реактора) – reactor coolant pump)
math. правило условного доказательства (rule of conditional proof)
med. точка вентиляторной компенсации (Хинон)
mil. комплект по разминированию маршрутов движения (route clearance package jamesbond)
O&G, oilfield. пропант с полимерным покрытием (resin coated proppant fluent); проппант с полимерным покрытием (resin coated proppant fluent)
oil программа для вычисления показателей надёжности (reliability computation package)
rcp abbr.
construct. насос для охладителя реактора
genet. символ, обозначающий реципрокную транслокацию (dimock); реципрокная транслокация (символ, используемый в цитогенетике человека; при написании формулы соматического кариотипа dimock)
 English thesaurus
RCP abbr.
abbr. Radon Contractor Proficiency; Raptor Conservation Program; Recycled- Content Product; Remote Copy Protocol; Resources Connections And Professionalism; Respiratory Care Practitioner; rate combination point (авианакладная ABelonogov); Remote Copy Program; rough-cut planning (алешаBG); restoration control point
abbr., anim.husb. Rural Credit Programme
abbr., archit., scient. Reinforced Concrete Pipe
abbr., auto. residual carbon particulate
abbr., avia. required communication performance; radio communication panel; radio control panel; reverse current protection; role change package
abbr., biotechn. Rolling-circle product (Altuntash)
abbr., busin. reliability critical problem; rules for construction of policy
abbr., clin.trial. randomized controlled period (ННатальЯ)
abbr., comp., net. Remote CoPy
abbr., comp., net., IT Remote Communications Processor
abbr., construct. reflected ceiling plan (harser); reinforced-concrete products (Secretary)
abbr., earth.sc. radiochemical polarography; registration control point; relative control point; relative cumulative periodograms
abbr., ecol. Representative Concentration Pathway (translator911)
abbr., ed., scient. Research Consultation Program; Residential College Program
abbr., el. right circularly polarized; routing core platform; radio control point; receive channel processing block; receive clock pulse; recognition and control processor; reconfigurable communications processor; regional communications processor; regional control point; remote computer pool; remote control preprocessor; remote control program; return to control for partial; router controller processor; routing and control processor
abbr., electr.eng. reactor coolant pump
abbr., file.ext. Remote Copy (Internet)
abbr., genet. reciprocal translocation
abbr., hi-fi Real Colour Processing
abbr., IT Region Code Protected; Remote Communication Processor; Run Control Parameter; Real-Time Control Protocol; restore cursor position; routing coprocessor; remote call procedure
abbr., med. Radiochemical Purity; Red Cell Protoporphyrin; Retrocorneal Pigmentation; Riboflavin Carrier Protein; Royal College of Physicians (Ed, Edin, Edinburgh); Royal College Of Pathologists; Royal College Of Physicians Of London; Respiratory Compensation Point (начало роста вентиляции не связанный с ростом скорости выделения углекислого газа во время физической нагрузки Хинон)
abbr., media. Rates Cards And Platform
abbr., mil. Raster Color Printer; Relevant Common Picture; resynchronization control panel; Route Clearance Packages (S3_OPS)
abbr., mil., air.def. radar-chart projection
abbr., mil., avia. radar control panel
abbr., mil., WMD Reinforced concrete pipe
abbr., O&G rate controlled production (RCP valve Jenny1801)
abbr., O&G, sakh. reduced circulating pressure
abbr., oil resistance cathodic protection (производитель - компания CorrOcean Lena Nolte); reduced circulation pressure; register clock pulse; reservoir characterization project; resin-coated proppant; riser connector package; resistor-controlled cathodic protection
abbr., plast. radiant curing process
abbr., polym. Rapid Crack Propagation (tannin); Random Copolymer Polypropylene (Сабу)
abbr., progr., IT Rich Client Platform
abbr., space radar chart projector
abbr., st.exch. Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
abbr., vet.med., med. Registry of Comparative Pathology
abbr., well.contr. reverse circulating position
avia. Reliability Control Program
energ.ind. radiation contingency plan
mil. radar control panel; radar conversion program; radiological control program; recording control panel; recovery command post; regimental command post; remote control panel; request for contractual procurement; requirements change proposal; rotational combat personnel
tech. radar chart protector; reactor characterization program; reliability computation package; remote-control panel; right circular polarization
rcp abbr.
construct. regional comprehensive plan (eatme)
rcpn. abbr.
abbr. reception
: 6 phrases in 5 subjects
Energy industry2
Nuclear and fusion power1