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RAR abbr.stresses
chem. Отчёт по оценке рисков (Risk Assessment Report (according to the REACH Regulation) Gudkova)
Gruzovik, scient. разведанные запасы (reasonably-assured resources)
immunol. РАР (olga don); реакция агглютинации риккетсий (olga don)
med. рецептор к ретиноевой кислоте (Retinoic Acid Receptor consilium-medicum.com shpak_07)
O&G ООЗ (Отчёт об Оценке Запасов; Reserves Assessment Report Christie)
O&G, sakh. сводка рекомендуемых мероприятий (recommendation action report)
oil возврат и ремонт (return and repair); заявка на выполнение работ по обеспечению надёжности (reliability action request); ремонт по потребности (repair as required); ремонт и доработка (repair and retrofit)
 English thesaurus
RAR abbr.
abbr. Rapid Assessment And Response; Rarotongan; Rarotonga South Pacific, Cook Islands; record and report; Regular Army Reserve; rest and recreation (Krokodil Schnappi); ROM address register; Royal Anglian Regiment
abbr., alum. Recordable Accident Rate
abbr., astr. radial acceleration relation (MichaelBurov)
abbr., avia. Rarotonga , Cook Islands; radar arrival route; runway arrival rate; rapid access recording
abbr., avia., Canada runway acceptance rate
abbr., BrE Royal Army Reserve; Royal Artillery regiment
abbr., dril. Rig Anchor Release (S. Manyakin)
abbr., earth.sc. relative accumulation rates; relative area response; root area ration
abbr., econ. Restricted Articles Regulations
abbr., el. radioacoustic ranging; read-after-read; reflect array radar
abbr., file.ext. Archive format (RAR archiver Vosoni)
abbr., IT RAR Compressed file archive; Rotate Accumulator Right; route addition resistance
abbr., med. Retinoic Acid Receptor
abbr., met. reducing agent rate
abbr., mil. Royal Australian Regiment
abbr., mol.biol. retinoic acid receptor (Игорь_2006)
abbr., mus. Rock Am Ring
abbr., nautic. Rarotonga, Cook
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. recommendation action report
abbr., O&G, sakh. reasonably assured reserves
abbr., oil reasonable assured reserves; ratio amplitude resistivity
abbr., physiol. Rapidly Adapting Receptor
abbr., progr., IT Raise A Rate
abbr., space radar altimeter and radiometer; range ambiguity to signal ratio; real-aperture radar
abbr., toxicol. risk assessment report (igisheva)
abbr., transp. Road Accident Rescue
abbr., vent. return air raise (peuplier_8)
mil. radio acoustic ranging; real aperture radar; reliability action report; reliability action request; repair as required; requirements analysis report
tech. radio acoustic RF; reasonably assured resources; repair and retrofit; return address register; return and repair
RAR-α abbr.
abbr., med. Retinoic Acid Receptor-alpha (gene On Chromosome 17)
rar. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. rarely
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Material safety data sheet1