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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
pant [pænt] nstresses
gen. одышка; затруднённое дыхание; вздох; пыхтение; тяжёлое дыхание; биение (сердца); удар; пыхтение (тж. о машине); штанина (driven); скорое дыхание; неровное дыхание; порывистое дыхание; фух (suburbian)
med. судорожный или затруднённый вдох; затруднённый вдох; судорожный вдох
pants [pænts] n
gen. низики; трико телесного цвета
Gruzovik, cloth. низики
Gruzovik, obs. порты́
leath. унты
obs., inf. порты
pant [pænt] v
gen. часто и тяжело дышать; говорить задыхаясь; выпаливать; страстно желать; тосковать; сильно биться; выпалить; тяжело дышать; сказать задыхаясь; выпаливать (обыкн. pant out); отдуваться (Pickman); выпускать пары (о механизмах, технических устройствах); пульсировать; свистеть (о механизмах, технических устройствах); томиться; запыхиваться; отдуться; задыхаться; запыхаться; трепетать (о сердце); пропыхтеть; выдавить (произнести с усилием Abysslooker); пыхтеть; часто дышать; вздыхать (...spending the nights where he could – on the bare earth by a shepherd's meager fire, or in a packed caravanserai, where the camels scratch and pant in the dusty darkness till morning, jingling their bells quietly... – ...ночуя как придется – на голой земле у скудного пастушеского костра, или в тесном караван-сарае, где в пыльной темноте до утра вздыхают и чешутся верблюды и глухо позвякивают бубенцами...); биться; играть; задохнуться; отдуваться
Gruzovik зарьять (future tense not used); отдуться (pf of отдуваться); пропыхтеть (pf of пыхтеть)
dial. запалиться; запаливаться
fig. страстно желать (чего-л.); жаждать (чего-л.)
Gruzovik, inf. отпыхиваться (impf of отпыхаться); задышаться; носить (of animals); отпыхаться
inf. нести; нестись; носиться; понести; снести; задышать; носить
tech. попыхивать (паром и т.п.)
pants [pænts] v
depants; de-pants; debag; keg; dack
school.sl. снять с кого-либо штаны (someone; to pull someone’s pants down or to forcibly remove someone’s pants: Keith Gerber has been pantsed twice already this summer by Lannie and Cling, and so his face is more resolved, the fear tempered by the fact that he understands these things to be inevitable. • The other boys, Stretch Latham and Rod Becker mainly, pantsed him, got his jockey shorts away and threw them onto Hubcap Willie's roof. • Richard did not stand too close to him, because he was always trying to pants him, and he would have died of shame if he did it tonight, because he knew his BVDs were dirty at the trap door. wikipedia.org Phylonette); снимать штаны с (кого-либо; someone: Keith Gerber has been pantsed twice already this summer by Lannie and Cling, and so his face is more resolved, the fear tempered by the fact that he understands these things to be inevitable.)
pant out/forth [pænt] v
Gruzovik, inf. пропыхтеть
pant [pænt] adj.
inf. несомый
 English thesaurus
pants [pænts] n
gen. trousers (plural only, chiefly Canada, US, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Cumbria, Lancashire, Liverpudlian, Manchester) An outer garment that covers the body from the waist downwards, covering each leg separately, usually as far as the ankles: I rolled up the legs of the pants, then I went back into the trees.)
pants [pænts] v
school.sl. to pull down the trousers quickly without consent of a person, as a prank (Keith Gerber has been pantsed twice already this summer by Lannie and Cling, and so his face is more resolved, the fear tempered by the fact that he understands these things to be inevitable. • The other boys, Stretch Latham and Rod Becker mainly, pantsed him, got his jockey shorts away and threw them onto Hubcap Willie’s roof. • Richard did not stand too close to him, because he was always trying to pants him, and he would have died of shame if he did it tonight, because he knew his BVDs were dirty at the trap door. • In 2007, British Secretary of State for Education and Skills ... criticized such bullying and criticized YouTube for hosting a movie (since removed) of a teacher being pantsed, saying that such bullying "is causing some [teachers] to consider leaving the profession because of the defamation and humiliation they are forced to suffer.")
PANT [pænt] abbr.
abbr. pantograph
abbr., el. phase adaptation by nonlinear technique
Pant: 78 phrases in 20 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Medical appliances1
Public utilities1
Rail transport1
Sewing and clothing industry2
Textile industry1
Veterinary medicine1