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PTR abbr.stresses
busin. технический представитель проекта (project technical representative sergeifisher)
dril. подъём насосно-компрессорных труб и насосных штанг (pulling tubing and rods)
Gruzovik, scient. испытательный бассейновый ядерный реактор (pool test reactor); реактор канального типа (pressure tube reactor)
nano смещение полюсного наконечника назад (MichaelBurov); смещение наконечника (MichaelBurov)
oil предварительные технические требования (preliminary technical requirements); подъём насосно-компрессорной колонны и насосных штанг
oil.proc. процент повышения температуры (% temperature rise konstmak); реактор доочистки (post-treat reactor konstmak)
Philipp. квитанция об уплате налога на профессиональную деятельность (Professional Tax Receipt Ying)
PSP Силовой трансформатор (Shmelev Alex)
road.constr. Pneumatic Tyre Roller, Каток на пневмоходу (pearukrnet)
scient. коэффициент передачи мощности (Power Transfer Ratio WiseSnake)
sport. Реестр Профессионального Тенниса (Professional Tennis Registry Zamatewski)
 English thesaurus
PTR abbr.
abbr. Paid To Read; Pacific Test Range; Problem Trouble Record (or Report); Progress Through The Ranks
abbr., auto. power to fen relay; plastic tank radiator
abbr., automat. paper tape reader
abbr., avia. part transfer request; power transformers; power turbine rotor; process and technology review; processor tape read; program technical review; punched paper reader; push to reset
abbr., commun. paper tape reader
abbr., ed. Pupil Teacher Ratio
abbr., el. personal television recorder; Philips Telecommunications Review; photo-thermal radiometry; poor transmission; priority token ring; program trouble record
abbr., el., scient. Parabolic Trough Receiver
abbr., electr.eng. power transistor (greyhead); pressure tube reactor
abbr., energ.syst. physical transmission rights (MichaelBurov)
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Protoss Terran Republic
abbr., file.ext. OS/2 cursor image file (ICONEDIT.EXE Vosoni); Cursor image file (OS/2 PTR file); Qwk reader pointer file (QMail)
abbr., IT Cursor image file; PoinTeR; Printer; Qwk reader pointer file; paper rape reader; photoelectric tape reader
abbr., law Pre-Trial Release; pre-trial release (Anglophile)
abbr., med. Phytotherapy Research (periodical); Peptidyl Transferase Ring; paper tape recorder
abbr., med., germ. Perlsucht Tuberculin Rest
abbr., mil. Problem Trouble Report; Progress Through the Ranks
abbr., mil., avia. Personnel Training and Education
abbr., oil packer-type retrievable; pulling tubing and rods
abbr., phys., scient. Proton Transfer Reaction
abbr., physiol., med. Patellar Tendon Reflex
abbr., progr., IT Preliminary Technical Review
abbr., railw. Port Terminal Railroad of South Carolina
abbr., scottish Part Throttle Reheat
energ.ind. pressure tube rupture; pressurized test reactor
mil. portable tape recorder; position track radar; precision tracking radar; preliminary technical report; preliminary test report; production test record; production test requirements
physiol. Patellar tendon reflex
tech. performance trend report; pool test reactor; pool training reactor; preliminary technical requirements; programmer trouble report; proof test reactor
telecom. Pointer (Internet)
ptr. abbr.
abbr., libr. printer
PTr abbr.
abbr., oil peak-to-trough (amplitudes)
ptrs abbr.
abbr. printers
ptr n
IT printer
PTR abbr.
abbr., account. Profits Tax Return (Darah)
abbr., avia. part-throttle reheat; power-turbine rotor; punched tape reader
abbr., busin. principal traffic route; production technical report
abbr., comp. punch-tape reader
abbr., earth.sc. point target response
abbr., fin. Professional Tax Receipt (Филиппины Nectarine)
abbr., oil packer type retrievable; photo tape reader; precision test runs
abbr., space performance technical report; program trouble report
abbr., well.contr. piano tavola rotary
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects