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PSN abbr.stresses
abbr. профессиональная социальная сеть (slitely_mad)
astronaut. сеть коммутации пакетов
comp., net. спутниковая сеть с коммутацией пакетов; сеть с пакетной коммутацией; узел коммутации пакетов
Gruzovik, comp., net. сеть с коммутацией пакетов (packet-switching network)
Gruzovik, scient. фотосинтез (photosynthesis)
life.sc. пресакральная неврэктомия (presacral neurectomy kat_j)
 English thesaurus
PSN abbr.
abbr. Packet / Public Switched Network; Packet Switch Node; Packet Switched Network; Packet Switching Node; Preservation of Strong Normalization; Pro Sound News magazine
abbr., avia. Perimeter Security Network; packet switched node
abbr., comp., net. packet satellite network; packet switching network; Packet-switch node
abbr., cryptogr. product source node
abbr., dat.proc. public switched network
abbr., el. lead scandium niobate; perfect shuffle network; PL-OAM sequence number; Poisson shot noise; precision strike navigator; processor sequence number; process static name; portable serial number
abbr., file.ext. Presentation file (Sound Script); Processor Serial Number
abbr., inet. Professional Social Network (slitely_mad)
abbr., med. photosynthesis
abbr., mil. Public Switched Network; packet switching node; public switch network
abbr., mil., astronaut. packet satellite network
abbr., O&G pump seating nipple
abbr., post Postal System Number (equipment order ID number)
abbr., scottish Packet Switch Network
abbr., tech. phase-shift network
comp. public-switched network
mil. partial shipment number; prefabricated surfacing nylon
tech. packet-switched network
PSn abbr.
abbr. Pacific Specification number
psn abbr.
abbr. position
PSN abbr.
abbr. Pentium sequence number; print sequence number
abbr., astrophys. possible supernova (Ying)
abbr., avia. personal server network; processor sharing node
abbr., busin. persons; present
abbr., earth.sc. potassium sodium niobate
abbr., IT public switching network
abbr., oil partial saponification number; phase shift network
abbr., space Pacific Satelit Nusantara; potassium/sodium niobate
: 3 phrases in 3 subjects