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PAM [pæm] nstresses
astronaut. библиотечный метод доступа
comp., MS управление привилегированным доступом (Alex Lilo)
comp., net. администратор приложений для ПК; программа доступа пользователя; импульсно-амплитудная модуляция; модуль назначения портов
EBRD Операционное руководство по проекту (Project Administration Manual Hot-Ice)
gen.eng. мотив, смежный с протоспейсером (protospacer adjacent motif Ying)
immunol. позитивный аллостерический модулятор (positive allosteric modulator LapinaF)
IT администратор приложений для персонального компьютера; Управление привилегированными учётными записями (Privileged Account Management Palych I)
manag. ПАМ (полиакриламид Moonranger)
market. потенциальный объём рынка (Potential Available Market saga-pretender)
nautic. пассивный гидроакустический мониторинг (MichaelBurov)
O&G, tengiz. МОП (project activity model – модель организации проекта Aiduza); Модель организации проекта (Aiduza)
ophtalm. primary acquired melanosis, первичный приобретённый меланоз (doc090)
tech. амплитудно-импульсная модуляция
pam [pæm] n
gen. трефовый валет (в игре в мушку); мушка (название карточной игры); брошюра; проспект
libr. писать брошюры; писать памфлеты; выпускать брошюры; выпускать памфлеты
O&G, casp. меморандум о запланированных мероприятиях (Yeldar Azanbayev)
slang следить камерой за движущимся объектом; в фотографии панорама; место игрока с битой на своём поле (в бейсболе); резкая критика; памфлет; панорама; лицо; плохой отзыв
Pam [pæm] n
gen. Пам; Пэм (женское имя); Памела; Памела (женское имя)
 English thesaurus
PAM [pæm] abbr.
abbr. Pampanga; Persatuan Aikido Malaysia; Professional Audience Member; Promote Advertise Market; Pacific Armies Management (Alex Lilo); Packetized Audio Mixer (Alex Lilo); Page Allocation Map (CICS Alex Lilo); Paging Area Memory; Pamir (linguistics Alex Lilo); Parque de Atracciones de Madrid (amusement park Alex Lilo); Partitioning Around Medoids (statistics Alex Lilo); Partner Account Manager (sales Alex Lilo); Pass Along Message (Alex Lilo); Passband Amplitude Modulation (Alex Lilo); Password Authentication Module (Alex Lilo); Patent Application Management (Alex Lilo); Payload Accommodation Manager (Alex Lilo); Payload Activation Message (Alex Lilo); Payload Assist Module (Space); People's Action Movement (Saint Kitts and Nevis Alex Lilo); Peptidylglycine Alpha-Amidating Mono-Oxygenase (Alex Lilo); Percentage Accepted Mutation (bioinformatics Alex Lilo); Perceptual Assimilation Model (Alex Lilo); Performance Archive Manager (Visual Networks Alex Lilo); Performance Assessment Matrix (Alex Lilo); Pericolo in Mare (Italian: in danger at sea; SOS Alex Lilo); Permanent Archive Manager (Alex Lilo); Personal Address Manager (Alex Lilo); Personal Alien Manager (gaming Alex Lilo); Personal Applications Manager (Alex Lilo); Personnel Authorizations Module (Alex Lilo); Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (Malaysian Institute of Architects Alex Lilo); problem analysis method; principle axes method; pyridoxamine; Pesticide Analytical Manual (FDA Alex Lilo); Petersen Automotive Museum (Los Angeles, CA Alex Lilo); Physical Activity Monitor (Alex Lilo); Physical Address Mapping (Alex Lilo); Plant Available Moisture (Alex Lilo); Pluggable Authentication Modules (information technology Alex Lilo); Point Accepted Mutation (Alex Lilo); Point Ahead Mirror (Alex Lilo); Pointer Analysis Module (Alex Lilo); Pole Amplitude Modulation (system of motor windings Alex Lilo); Policies and Measures (Alex Lilo); Policy Analysis Market (DARPA Alex Lilo); Poly-Acrylamide (Alex Lilo); Polyciclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (Vosoni); Porcine Alveolar Macrophage (Alex Lilo); Port Adapter Module (Alex Lilo); Portable Alpha Meter (alpha particle detector Alex Lilo); Post-Auricular Muscle (Alex Lilo); Postaccident Monitoring (Alex Lilo); Power Amplifier Module (Alex Lilo); Pozzolan Aggregate Mixture; Pre-Assessment Meeting (Alex Lilo); Precision Attack Missile (Alex Lilo); Predictive Aircraft Maintenance (Alex Lilo); Presbyterian Association of Musicians (Alex Lilo); Presence and Availability Management (PAMF Alex Lilo); Pressure-Alkali Monitor (Alex Lilo); Preventive Aerospace Medicine (team; US DoD Alex Lilo); Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis (medicine Alex Lilo); Primary Automation Manager (Alex Lilo); Princeton Asset Management (Alex Lilo); Proactive Asset Management (Alex Lilo); Proactive Automated Management (Alex Lilo); Problem Analysis Matrix (Alex Lilo); Process Algebra Meetings (Alex Lilo); Procurement, Aircraft & Missiles (Alex Lilo); Product Application Modules (Alex Lilo); Production Application Management (Alex Lilo); Professions Allied to Medicine (ABelonogov); Profile Administration Manager (Alex Lilo); Program Analysis Memorandum (Alex Lilo); Program Area Manager (Alex Lilo); Program Assumptions Memorandum (Alex Lilo); Programma Alimentare Mondiale (Alex Lilo); Programmable Attribute Map (Alex Lilo); Programmable Attribute Maps (DRAM, PCI); Programmable Authentication Module (Alex Lilo); Programmable Automotive Microprocessor (Alex Lilo); Programme Against Malnutrition (Lusaka, Zambia Alex Lilo); Programme Alimentaire Mondial (French: World Food Program Alex Lilo); Progressive Asset Management (Financial West Group Alex Lilo); Promise Array Management (Alex Lilo); Proud Arabian Mare (Breyer mold Alex Lilo); Proud Army Mom (Alex Lilo); Public Access Manager (Alex Lilo); Public Affairs Manager (Alex Lilo); Published Application Manager (Citrix Metaframe Utility Alex Lilo); Pulse Adapter Module (Alex Lilo); Pulse Amplification Modulation; Pulse Amplifier Modulation (Alex Lilo); Pupil Adjust Mechanism (used on telescopes Alex Lilo); Purpose, Audience, Message (writing goals model Alex Lilo)
abbr., AI. Plan Applier Mechanism
abbr., auto. park assist system module
abbr., automat. positive active material
abbr., avia. performance assessment monitor; pitch autopilot module; perigee assister motor
abbr., chem. 2-pyridine aldoxime methiodide
abbr., comp., net. personal application manager; Port-Assignment Module; pulse amplitude modulation
abbr., comp., net., IT Port Adapter Modules; Port Address Mapping; Port to Application Mapping; Portable Authentication Module
abbr., earth.sc. plant-available moisture; portable automated mesonetwork; portable automatic meteorological network
abbr., el. penetration-augmented munition; panel monitor; parametric amplifier; pattern-addressable memory; phase and amplitude modulation; phased array module; photoacoustic microscope; photonics add/drop multiplexer; picoammeter module; polar amplitude modulation; pulse address modem; primary access method
abbr., file.ext. Process Automatic Monitor
abbr., food.ind. Process Application Module
abbr., forestr. protected area management
abbr., genet. percentage of accepted point mutation
abbr., immunol. pulmonary alveolar macrophages
abbr., IT Partitioned Access Method; Programmable Active Memory; partitioned access method; priority access method; pulse-amplitude modulation (Bricker)
abbr., law Plant Asset Management (Метран); дивизион Plant Asset Management (Метран)
abbr., med. Pulmonary; Pulmonary Alveolar Macrophage; Percent Of Accepted Mutations; portative activity monitor (ННатальЯ); pyridine aldoxime methiodide (ННатальЯ); pyridine aldoximine methiodide (ННатальЯ); Perinatal Association of Michigan; pregnancy-associated alphamacroglobulin; pulmonary alveolar macrophages; post-authorization measure (ННатальЯ)
abbr., mil. Pamphlet; Penetration Augmented Munition; Procurement Aircraft and Missiles; Pulse Amplitude Modulation; preventive and aerospace medicine
abbr., mil., avia. pamphlet
abbr., mil., WMD pralidoxime
abbr., nano photoacoustic microscopy
abbr., nautic. passive acoustic monitoring (MichaelBurov); Porte Autonome de Marseilles (kotechek)
abbr., O&G, sakh. preserved amplitude method; project activity model
abbr., oil preserved amplitude migration; preserved amplitude mode
abbr., pharma. post-authorisation measures (Liolichka)
abbr., physiol. perception-action mechanism; physical activity monitor
abbr., physiol., med. Pregnancy After Miscarriage
abbr., polym. polyacrylamide
abbr., railw. Pittsburgh Allegheny and McKees Rocks Railroad Company
abbr., relig. Prayer And Miracles
abbr., scottish Payload Assisted Module; Permanent Athwartship Magnetism
abbr., sec.sys., IT Pluggable Authentication Module
abbr., softw. product activation manager (диспетчер активации продукта BabaikaFromPechka)
abbr., space partitional access method; perigee assist motor; picture assembly multiplexer; plasma-arc machining; process automation monitor
abbr., transp. Peripheral Adapter Module
mil. partial mobilization; payload assist module; permanent active militia; personnel accounting management; personnel action memorandum; Phoenix airborne missile; planning, activation, modification; post-acceptance modification; priorities and allocations manual; procurement aids man; procurement of aircraft and missiles
tech. peat-alcohol mixture; phone activities manager; polyacryl amide; portable alpha monitor; post accident monitoring; Pozzolanic Mixtures; programmable algorithm machine; programmable arm manipulator; propulsion and avionics module
pam [pæm] abbr.
abbr. pamphlet; panorama
Pam [pæm] n
names Pamela (a shortened form of the common given name of Pamela Val_Ships)
PaM [pæm] abbr.
abbr., mil. passage material
abbr., mil., air.def. proactive maintenance
PAMS abbr.
abbr., oil poly-a-methylstyrene; predictive adaptive multiple suppression
pam. abbr.
abbr. pamphlet
: 14 phrases in 11 subjects
Drug name1
Medical appliances1
Oil / petroleum1