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OPF abbr.stresses
gen. УКПНиГ (Установка Комплексной Подготовки Нефти и Газа, OPF, УКПНиГ olzu)
geophys. файл упорядоченного параметра
O&G ОБТК (MichaelBurov)
O&G, casp. УКПНиГ (Установка комплексной подготовки нефти и газа; Onshore Processing Facility uaka)
O&G, oilfield. БКП (Yakov)
O&G, sakh. Объединённый береговой технологический комплекс (Onshore Processing Facility)
 English thesaurus
OPF abbr.
abbr. official personnel folder; Open Pension Fund; Orbiter Processing Facility; Oregon Psychoanalytic Foundation; Oil and Gas Processing Facilities; Overseas Program Fund
abbr., astronaut. orbiter processing facility
abbr., avia. OpaLocka Airport, Miami, Florida; off peak fare; organizational process focus
abbr., el. output processing facility
abbr., electr.eng. optimal power flow
abbr., mil. Official Personnel File; OutPost of Freedom
abbr., nautic., scient. Official Personnel Folder
abbr., O&G Onshore Processing Facilities (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sakh. onshore processing facility
abbr., oil oblique progradational facies; open power fluid (system); oriented polyester film; output filter
abbr., relig. Orthodox Peace Fellowship
comp. orbiter processing facility
tech. optical propagation facility
: 30 phrases in 4 subjects