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OD abbr.stresses
gen. отравиться слишком большой дозой наркотика; смертельная доза наркотика (overdose); принять слишком большую дозу наркотика (Юрий Гомон); человек, принявший смертельную дозу наркотика (часто самоубийца)
amer. overdose-передозировка (лекарств, наркотиков Val_Ships)
bank. овердрафт (overdraft); превышение кредита в банке
dentist. накладной протез (MichaelBurov); условно-съёмная конструкция (MichaelBurov); покрывающий протез (MichaelBurov); покрывной протез (MichaelBurov); "вставная челюсть" (MichaelBurov); съёмный протез зубного ряда (MichaelBurov)
geophys. Оптимальная глубина (скважины, Optimum Depth Vicomte)
Gruzovik, econ. превышение кредита (overdraft)
Gruzovik, mil. орбитальная ложная цель (orbital decoy)
IT оптический диск
math. результаты наблюдений (observation data)
med. ежедневно (MichaelBurov); один раз в день (MichaelBurov); один раз в сутки (MichaelBurov); дежурный (MichaelBurov); дежурный врач (MichaelBurov)
mil., WMD внешний диаметр
O&G наружный диаметр (Janetta Astakhova); внешний наружный диаметр (Janetta Astakhova)
O&G, karach. внешний диаметр (outer diameter Leonid Dzhepko)
O&G, sakh. Внешний диаметр (outside diameter; ВД Fedin)
oil инструкция по эксплуатации (operations directive); наружный диаметр (outside diameter)
ophtalm. доктор оптометрии (doctor of optometry, оптометрист с высшим образованием doc090); оптометрист (doctor of optometry, оптометрист с высшим образованием doc090); правый глаз (oculus (eye) dexter (right) aly-natan); ОД (правый глаз, от лат. oculus dexter Ginger_Jane)
slang перебрать (наркоты; от overdose Alex Lilo)
tech. по внешнему диаметру (MichaelBurov); внешняя сторона (MichaelBurov); наружная сторона (MichaelBurov); открытие двери (процесс описывающий фазу системы управления дверьми Bagar)
od abbr.
gen. сила, производящая, по мнению некоторых учёных, явления животного магнетизма
med. один раз в день при ежедневном приёме (once daily AGaliguzov)
tech. НД
 English thesaurus
OD abbr.
abbr. Officer/Director (вк); Ordnance Department; Ordnance Division; ore dressing; outside outer diameter; overdraught; Old Dominion; Organizational Design; Octal Dump; Operating Directive (s); Officer of the Day; officer of the day (on duty Vosoni); Ostrich Disorder; overdose (передозировка Val_Ships)
abbr., auto. overdrive; oil distributor; operating data; outer outside diameter
abbr., avia. optical demultiplexer; optical detector; order; origin and destination; operational display; official documents; operational deviation; optimization design; option definition; organization department; outline drawing; output data
abbr., BrE ordnance
abbr., busin. ordering and distribution; over draft; own damage
abbr., cardiol. right atrium (iwona)
abbr., commer. original date; office of destination
abbr., commun. object dictionary (Метран)
abbr., comp., net. on demand
abbr., corp.gov. organizational design; organizational development
abbr., dentist. non-fixed over-denture (MichaelBurov); non-fixed overdenture (MichaelBurov); OVD (MichaelBurov); overdenture (MichaelBurov); over-denture (MichaelBurov)
abbr., dril. Optimum Depth (Vicomte)
abbr., earth.sc. oxygen deficit
abbr., econ. overdraft, overdraught, overdrawn; ex dividend
abbr., ed., scient. Oxford Dictionary
abbr., el. objective diaphragm; official document; omnidirectional; optical design; optical dichroism; optical diffraction; optical disc; optical distortion; optimum detector; ordinary node; original pattern data; originator detection pattern; out-band dial-pulse; output diode; output disable
abbr., el., scient. Omni Directional
abbr., fin. other deductions (Метран)
abbr., insur. occupational disease
abbr., IT Open Diary; optical disk
abbr., Makarov. orbit determination
abbr., manag. organization development (HR consulting; Organization development (OD) is a deliberately planned effort to increase an organization's relevance and viability. WAD Alexander Demidov)
abbr., math., scient. Off Diagonal
abbr., med. overdose (Vosoni); right eye; oculus Dexter Right Eye; Occupational Dermatitis; Ontario Dentist (periodical); officer of the day (MichaelBurov); oculus dextra (Latin Vosoni); Odmann
abbr., med., lat. oculus dexter
abbr., mil. Olive Drab; other detainee
abbr., mil., avia. obligatory deliveries
abbr., mil., WMD open detonation
abbr., mining. ordnance datum
abbr., nautic., scient. Optical Density
abbr., O&G, sakh. O.D.; outside diameter (of a pipe, vessel, or similar container)
abbr., oil Oceanographic Data Station; octylated diphenylamine; oil drainage; oil droplet; on deck; operation directive; original design; original drawing; out draw; overall diameter; overburden drilling; overdrawn; over drive; oxygen demand
abbr., oncol. Oligodendrogliomas; OverDose
abbr., ophtalm. doctor of optometry (doc090); optometrist (doc090)
abbr., org.name. Operations Department; Office of the Assistant Executive Director
abbr., physiol. Occupational Disease
abbr., physiol., med. Occupational disease; Over Dose
abbr., polym. on demand no; outer diameter; optical density
abbr., product. open drainage (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., proj.manag. original duration
abbr., scottish Civil aircraft marking (Lebanon); Ordinary Seaman
abbr., seism. Optimal Depth (Vicomte)
abbr., space obstacle detector; optimizing decision; orientation device; outline dimension; overall dimension; overheat detector; overload detector
abbr., tech. outside diameter (MichaelBurov)
abbr., transp. Origin Destination
abbr., wood. oven dry
comp., abbr. orbital diversity
energ.ind., abbr. operating division; oscillator/demodulator; overall dimensions; overdosing; oxidative deactivation
invest., abbr. overdraft
mil. olive drab
mil., abbr. observation data; office of the director; officer of the desk; on duty; operations directive; operations director; operations division; optical device; order of the day; ordnance data; ordnance delivery; ordnance depot; ordnance document; organization development; outside dimension
physiol., abbr. Overdosed
tech., abbr. observed drift; orbital decoy
od abbr.
abbr. optical density; outside dimensions
abbr., med. once a day
dial. god
med. odor
Od abbr.
abbr., med. odour
ODteam abbr.
abbr., mil., grnd.forc. Operational Detachment (Val_Ships)
od. abbr.
polym. odour
: 96 phrases in 26 subjects
Automated equipment12
Drug-related slang1
Textile industry1
Weapons of mass destruction1