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OBE [əub] nstresses
psychopathol. чувство отделения от собственного тела (сокр. от "out-of-body experience" Alex_Odeychuk)
obe [əub] n
gen. часть филы (боевая единица племени); деревня в Лаконии
obes n
jarg. корова
OBE [əub] adj.
gen. не в состоянии контролировать ситуацию (overcome by events Alex Lilo); Офицер Ордена Британской империи (r313)
abbr. внетелесный опыт (out-of-body experience artery)
gas.proc. оценка затрат по методу "открытой книги" (to be confirmed Aiduza)
Gruzovik, econ. Управление экономических проблем предпринимательства США (Office of Business Economics; более позднее название Office of Economic Analysis)
O&G, sakh. проектное землетрясение (Operating Base Earthquake)
oil.proc. отменяется в связи с обстоятельствами (overtaken by events Skipirich)
tech. расчётное землетрясение (operating basis earthquake – сила землетрясения, при которой возможно продолжение эксплуатации (по API 620) SMarina)
 English thesaurus
OBE [əub] abbr.
abbr. Object Back End; Old Blue Eyes; Old Bridge Estates; Order of the British Empire; Our Best Ever; Outboard Booster Engine; Outcome Based Evaluation; Office of Business Economics; Officer of the British Empire; one big explanation; One Button Exposed (Interex); One-Brown Exchange; Other Buggers' Efforts (Interex); outerback end; OBE model
abbr., avia. on-board equipment
abbr., ed. Outcomes Based Education
abbr., el. one boson exchange; optical beam expander; output buffer empty
abbr., health., med. Out of Body Experience
abbr., manag. Open Book Estimate (Kenny Gray)
abbr., med. Open Both Ends (known In UK As DNV - Diarrhoea And Vomiting); out-of-body experience (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., mil. Overcome by Events; Overtaken By Events
abbr., mil., WMD Overtaken by events
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Operating Base Earthquake
abbr., scottish Offboard Expendables; Overcome / Overtaken By Events
abbr., sport. Order Of British Empire
energ.ind. one-boson exchange; operating basis earthquake
tech. operating-basis earthquake; out-of-band emission
ObE [əub] abbr.
abbr., IT Office by Example
OBE [əub] abbr.
abbr., avia. off-board expendables
abbr., nucl.pow. operation basis earthquake
abbr., space on-board equivalent
: 8 phrases in 5 subjects
High energy physics4
Power system protection1