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Mx nstresses
tech. максвелл
Mx abbr.
Makarov. Мкс (maxwell; максвелл)
Mx. abbr.
abbr. Мидлсекс (Anglophile)
MX abbr.
chem. метаксилол (Meta-xylene konstmak)
Gruzovik, mil. экспериментальная управляемая ракета (missile, experimental)
mil., avia. морского базирования
sport. мотокросс (boobaloo)
tech. военное обозначение вспомогательных приспособлений и устройств; модем с разделением по времени
mx abbr.
tech. массовая выемка
 English thesaurus
Mx abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. maxillary; mixed layer
Mx abbr.
abbr. maxwell; mix; Multiplexer
abbr., el. maxwell
abbr., med. Medex
med. Medication (Natalya Rovina)
Mx. abbr.
abbr. gender-neutral option for Mr. or Ms. ([mix]; http://time.com/4106718/what-mx-means/ Kate Alieva)
MX abbr.
abbr. Master Agility Excellent; Mail eXchange (Unix); Missile eXperimental; mobile experimental; multiplex; Peacekeeper Ballistic Missile
abbr., auto. motocross
abbr., avia. mixed type of ice formation
abbr., cartogr. Middlesex
abbr., chem. murexide
abbr., cinema music (Common_Ground)
abbr., commun. main or regional exchange; main exchange
abbr., comp., net. mail exchange; mail exchanger
abbr., el. mail exchange (record); mail exchanger; mixture
abbr., file.ext. Common matrix routines (Matlab); Linker information (Modula-3)
abbr., IT Common matrix routines; Linker information; Meta X; mail eXchange (record Bricker)
abbr., med. Extension Of Physician (TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) Classification; MEDEX); Metastases Not Assessed (TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) Classification); Matrix; Methylxanthine
abbr., mil. Mechanized; Missile X
abbr., mil., avia. Magnavox Corp.
abbr., oil m-xylene
abbr., oncol., med. Mastectomy
abbr., polym. -xylene
abbr., scottish Missile Experiment or Missile-X (advanced ICBM); Mexico (NATO country code)
abbr., st.exch. Metso Corporation; Montreal Exchange (aht)
meteorol. mechanical
meteorol., abbr. mixed type of ice formation (white and clear)
mil. Maintenance; Mission
mil., polit. Mexico
tech. miscellaneous electronic components
TV matrix
mx. abbr.
abbr. maximum; maximal
med. maxilla (Ying)
met. maxwell
mx abbr.
abbr. mix
: 21 phrases in 9 subjects
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