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MPR abbr.stresses
gen. Ежемесячный отчет о проделанной работе (Monthly Proggress Report TPP2; Message from Editor: Просим вас не вносить в словарь пары "аббревиатура – полный термин"; вместо этого следует сначала внести в словарь расшифровку аббревиатуры на исходном языке, а уже на расшифровку – перевод. Пример: шаг 1: EBRD ⇒ European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, шаг 2: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ⇒ Европейский банк реконструкции и развития. Прошу Вас исправить все внесенные Вами сокращения! Bursch)
bus.styl. построение реформации изображения (arcadio); реформация изображения (arcadio)
comp., MS правило политики управления (A rule in ILM that defines a condition and the subsequent action to take when that condition is met. Management policy rules are used to model the business processing rules for incoming requests to ILM)
comp., net. многопротокольный маршрутизатор
construct. Ежемесячный отчёт о проделанной работе (Monthly Proggress Report TPP2)
dentist. многоплоскостная реконструкция (MichaelBurov)
energ.ind. модульный регулятор мощности (MichaelBurov)
IT регистр состояния машины
math. наиболее мощный ранговый (критерий)
med. КПК (measles, parotitis, rubella. =MMR Tiny Tony); корь, паротит, краснуха (measles, parotitis, rubella. =MMR Tiny Tony)
mil. оружие многоцелевого назначения (multi-purpose weapon WiseSnake); система оружия многоцелевого назначения (WiseSnake)
O&G защитное реле двигателя
oil отчёт о последствиях нарушения работоспособности (malfunction problem report)
product. обзор деятельности предприятия за месяц (monthly performance review Sintey)
 English thesaurus
MPR abbr.
abbr. Mass Property Report; Michigan Pug Rescue; Minimum Price Required; More Partisan Rhetoric; monopulse radar; melphalan, prednisone and lenalidomide; marketing and public relations; Martin power reactor; Mongolian People's Republic
abbr., adv. marketing public relation; marketing public relations
abbr., astronaut. Mars Pressurized Rover
abbr., auto. main power relay
abbr., avia. McPherson, Kansas USA; master parts record; military photo reconnaissance; machined part requisition; maintenance problem report; management program review; manual pitch recovery; manufacturing parts record; material and process requirements; material planning requirements; measuring parameter requirements; measurement/process requirements; multipurpose register
abbr., comp., net. Multiprotocol Router
abbr., comp., net., IT Multi Provider Router
abbr., dentist. multi-planar reconstruction (MichaelBurov); multiplanar reconstruction (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. magnetic plasma resonance; malwa plateau region; map pattern recognition; maximum permissible rate; meteorology of the polar regions; mine production report; model-predicted rainfall; more particulars required
abbr., el. Matsushita positive resist; message processing region; microprogram register; misdialed trunk prefix; mode power ratio; multiband pulsed radar (system); multi-port RAM; multiport repeater; multi-provider router; multiline pseudorandom (alignment structure)
abbr., electr.eng. main processor
abbr., electric. master power regulator
abbr., energ.ind. modular power regulator (MichaelBurov)
abbr., file.ext. Multi Protocol Router (Novell); Multipart Repeater; Generated executable menu file (FoxPro)
abbr., fin. minimum premium rate (Alexander Matytsin)
abbr., inet. Marketing Personal Relations
abbr., IT Generated executable menu file; Multiple Provider Router; MultiProtocol Router, NetWare; MultiProtocol routing (Bricker); Multivendor Protocol Router
abbr., law Superior Court Mental Proceedings Rules
abbr., med. Massive Preretinal Retraction; Médecine Physique & De Réadaptation (periodical); Mutual Recognition Procedure (ННатальЯ); Multi-Planar Reconstruction (Natalya Rovina); maximum pulse rate
abbr., med.appl. multiplanar reconstruction (многоплоскостная реконструкция, многоплоскостная реформация zarazagirl); multiplanar reformation (iwona)
abbr., media. Methods Of Psychological Research; Michigan Public Radio
abbr., microbiol. Media preparation Reactor (iwona)
abbr., mil. maritime patrol and reconnaissance
abbr., mil., avia. main parachute deployment
abbr., nautic., scient. Monthly Program Review
abbr., nephr. medical patient review (Ying)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. MinPrirody (RF Ministry of Natural Resources)
abbr., O&G, sakh. MinPrirody; rf ministry of natural resources
abbr., oil maximum permissive rate; maximum production rate; maximum permissible permissive rate; maximum pressure restriction; maximum profit ratio; maximum pump rates; methylphenanthrene/ to phenanthrene ratio; methylphenanthrene ratio; middle preventer ram; minimum profit ratio; multi-parameter propagation resistivity; multiple propagation resistivity; multiple propagation resistivity tool
abbr., police missing person report (kartav)
abbr., polym. Materials and Process Requirements
abbr., radiogr. Multi-planar reformation (iwona)
abbr., scottish Major Project Report; Manpack Radio; Medium Power Radar; Military Power Reserve; Multi-band Pulsed Radar
abbr., space microwave pulse radar; military photo-reconnaissance
abbr., st.exch. Met Pro Corporation
abbr., tech. mobile phone roaming
energ.ind. material processing reactor; medium power reactor; molten plutonium reactor
mil. master personnel record; material purchase requisition; military pay record; military personnel record; mobilization production requirements; monthly progress report
mil., BrE medium power radar
O&G motor protection relay
polym. melt processing rubber
tech. malfunction problem report; mask-making positive resist; mass of propellant for return trip; mechanical pressure regulator
telecom., abbr. Multiprotocol Router (NetWare)
: 11 phrases in 5 subjects
Medical appliances2
Oil and gas2