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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
LT [,el'ti:] nstresses
gen. Леди ордена Чертополоха (Lady of the Order of the Thistle kOzerOg)
busin. Команда Руководителей (Leadership Team spitzer)
comp., net. узловая станция в локальной сети
electric. низковольтный (low tension audanto)
IT меньше чем
math. преобразование Лапласа (Laplace transform)
med. Малый вертел (Lesser trochanter umidasadykova)
oil низкое напряжение (low tension)
oil.proc. датчик уровня (Alexey Lebedev)
product. способный работать на бедной смеси (номер модели газового двигателя Yeldar Azanbayev)
refrig. низкотемпературный диапазон (MichaelBurov)
telecom. Окончание линии (Узел местной телефонной станции, которым оканчивается местная линия связи; т.е., физическая линия связи с коммутатором телефонной компании Georgy Moiseenko)
Lt [,el'ti:] n
med. левый; левая сторона
Сlt n
med. лёгочно-торакальный комплайенс (iwona)
lt [,el'ti:] n
electr.eng. long time длительная выдержка времени срабатывания (автоматического выключателя Alexey Lebedev)
LTS abbr.
O&G НТС (low temperature separation – низкотемпературная сепарация trenoga)
 English thesaurus
LTS abbr.
abbr. Leadership Training Service; London Tilbury Southend; Long Tall Sally; Land Treatment Systems; Learning and Teaching Scotland (ABelonogov); License Tracking System; Licensing Tracking System; lights (огни WiseSnake); logic theorist system; long haul toll transit switch; long term stability; low temperature separation unit
abbr., alum. Lost Time Accident Severity
abbr., auto. low coolant switch
abbr., avia. Altus, Oklahoma USA; lights; load transfer signal; load and trim sheet; local telephone system; laser triggered switching; lateral test simulator; linearity test set; long term sensor
abbr., cables low-temperature superconductor
abbr., earth.sc. Liupanshan thrust system
abbr., ed. learning technology system (ssn)
abbr., ed., scient. London Theological Seminary; Lutheran Teachers Seminary
abbr., el. laser time-sharing; laser triggered switch; launch telemetry station; lightwave transmission system; line transient suppression; link terminal simulator; long-time stability; long term storage; long-throw sputtering; low-Tc superconductor; low temperature sealing; low-temperature superconducting (material)
abbr., el., scient. Low Temperature Superconductor
abbr., electr.eng. long-term stability
abbr., IT Language Tag System; labelled transition system (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., jarg. long-term survivor
abbr., math. linear topological space
abbr., med. Long Term Stay
abbr., med.appl. laser tomographic scanner
abbr., met. ladle treatment station (Yuriy Sokha)
abbr., mil. Location Targeting System; LAS Tactical Switch; low-altitude navigation and targeting infrared for night LANTIRN targeting system; long term study
abbr., mil., avia. LASAL tactical switch
abbr., O&G, karach. long-term suspension (ща a well Aiduza)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. low temperature separation
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. low temperature separator
abbr., oil unit low-temperature separator unit; language translation system; laser time sharing; linear toluene sulfonates; load transfer switch; location and tracking system; low-temperature separator; lowstand turbidite system; low-temperature shift
abbr., opt. laser thermal simulation; laser-triggered switch
abbr., pharm. long-term safety (iwona)
abbr., progr. labeled transition system (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Lot Tracking System
abbr., relig. Life's Too Short
abbr., scottish Laser Training System; Link Translator System; Low frequency Transmit Subsystem
abbr., shipb. Loran transmitting station
abbr., softw. long term support (hora)
abbr., space launch telemetering [telemetry] station; launch tracking system; lunar touchdown system
abbr., st.exch. Merrill Lynch & Company, Inc.
abbr., tech. low temperature shift (Гевар)
ecol. land treatment system
mil. laboratory test set; laser tracking system
tech. laser technology satellite; launch telemetry stations; liftoff transmission subsystem; logic test system
lts abbr.
meas.inst. litres (terrarristka); liters (terrarristka)
LTs abbr.
abbr., physiol. leucotrienes, leukotrienes
: 23 phrases in 19 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Armored vehicles1
Conventional notation2
Energy industry1
Gas processing plants1
Information technology1
Mass media2
Oil and gas1
Oil and gas technology1
Sakhalin R1