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LOD abbr.stresses
food.ind. потери при сушке (Loss on drying kate.white@mail.ru)
med. нижний предел чувствительности (MichaelBurov); предел обнаружения (MichaelBurov)
pharma. ПМВ (Loss on Drying = Потеря в массе при высушивании paseal)
toxicol. уровень определения (MichaelBurov)
LoD abbr.
med. предел чувствительности (limit of detection wendy2001)
 English thesaurus
LOD abbr.
abbr. Large Organic Debris; Legend Of The Dragon; Level Of Detail; Line Of Dance; Lord Of Diamonds; Locally One Dimensional; Low-Observable Demonstrations
abbr., avia. Longana, Vanuatu; learning on demand; letter of definition; load
abbr., chem., scient. Labyrinth Of Death
abbr., earth.sc. length of day; limits of detection
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Legend of Dragoon
abbr., file.ext. Letter Of Destruction; Location Dependent
abbr., inet. Lust Of Death
abbr., IT Load file; Level of Details
abbr., law Lack Of Definition; Land Owner's Defense
abbr., med. limit of detection (MichaelBurov); logarithm of the odds ratio score
abbr., mil. Legion Of Doom; Level Of Death; Level Of Details; Line of Departure; Line Of Duty; Launch on Demand
abbr., mil., WMD Level of detection
abbr., oil Limits of detection (Less-than-detection limits - a chemical constituent was either not identified or not quantified at the lowest level of sensitivity of the analytical method being employed by the laboratory); last occurance datum
abbr., pest.contr. limit of determination
abbr., pharm. Loss On Drying (потери при сушке Studentus)
abbr., relig. Lord Of Destruction
abbr., scient. Lightning On Demand
abbr., space levels of detail; Launch Operation Directorate
abbr., sport. line of dance
abbr., st.exch. Lodgian, Inc.
abbr., toxicol. level of determination (MichaelBurov)
energ.ind. line of defense
mil. large optics demonstration; line of departure; line of direction; line of duty; list of drawings
lod abbr.
O&G, sakh. limit of detection
: 15 phrases in 12 subjects
Oil / petroleum1
Oil and gas1
Pharmacy and pharmacology1
Sakhalin R1