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LCA abbr.stresses
comp. юрисконсульт (legal council advisor Georgy Moiseenko)
ecol. оценка жизненного цикла (MichaelBurov); ОЖЦ (MichaelBurov)
geol. длинная ось керна (д.о.к. – long core axis Igor Kravchenko-Berezhnoy); д.о.к. (длинная ось керна – long core axis Igor Kravchenko-Berezhnoy)
Gruzovik, mil., navy высадочная баржа (landing craft (assault)); пехотно-десантный катер (landing craft, assault); пехотно-высадочный плашкоут (landing craft, assault)
industr. Анализ эксплуатационного цикла (промышленной продукции; life cycle assessment Sweetlana)
manag. малозатратная автоматизация (Low Cost Automation (яп.-安価で簡易な自動化) usagin)
med. ЛКА (left coronary artery; левая коронарная артерия KaKaO); амавроз Лебера (Andrey Truhachev); врождённый амавроз Лебера (Leber's congenital amaurosis wikipedia.org natfursaeva); ОЛА (Общий лейкоцитарный антиген (leukocyte common antigen) tatka_xs)
O&G анализ эксплуатационного ресурса (MichaelBurov); ОЭР (MichaelBurov); оценка эксплуатационного ресурса (MichaelBurov)
pharma. дата акцепта аккредитива (от R Serazhetdinov, proz.com Игорь_2006)
product. анализ жизненного цикла (MichaelBurov); анализ полного жизненного цикла (MichaelBurov)
yacht. Остров Сент-Люсия (Обозначения на парусах)
 English thesaurus
LCA abbr.
abbr. Labor Condition Application; Last Chance for Animals; Leadership Choice And Action; Least Cost Alternative; Sair Linux and GNU Certified Administrator (Linux, GNU, Unix); Logic Cell Array (Vosoni); Low Cost Automation (яп.-安価で簡易な自動化 (c) usagin 'More); Lutheran Church in America; Logistics capacity assessment; Lithium Corp. of America; leucocyte common antigen
abbr., astr. Laboratory for Computational Astrophysics (Vosoni)
abbr., austral. Loan Council Allocation
abbr., avia. lateral control actuator; light control assembly; load carrying ability; load control assembly; load controller assembly; logistics control area; low cost aircraft
abbr., chem. life-cycle assessment
abbr., comp.name. Lithium Corporation of America
abbr., earth.sc. lower cold air
abbr., ecol. life cycle assessment (MichaelBurov)
abbr., ed., scient. Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity
abbr., el. leveling control amplifier; linear chain approximation; line control adapter; liquid crystal variable attenuator; local channel adapter; local communication area; local communications adapter; lower case alphabet; land conveyance agreement; logical channel administrator
abbr., electr.eng. load-carrying ability
abbr., file.ext. Lotus Communications Architecture (Lotus)
abbr., insur. Lloyd's Central Accounting
abbr., IT Life Cycle Architecture; Line Circuit Address; Logic Cell Arrays
abbr., life.sc. leukocyte common antigen
abbr., math., scient. Large Cardinal Axiom
abbr., med. Lateral Costal Artery (branch Of Internal Mammary Artery); Leber Congenital Amaurosis; Left Carotid Artery; Left Circumflex Artery; Left Coronary Artery; Lithocholic Acid; Liver Cell Adenoma; Lung Cancer Alliance; left coronary artery (левая коронарная артерия Dimpassy); left circumflex coronary artery
abbr., mil. Landing Craft Assault; Life Cycle Analysis; Life Cycle Assessment; Logistics Control Activity
abbr., mol.gen. last common ancestor (Игорь_2006)
abbr., neur.net. latent coincidence analysis (sas_proz)
abbr., O&G Life Cycle Analysis (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil latent chelating agent; leading concept ammonia process
abbr., oncol. littoral-cell angioma ("прибрежноклеточная" ангиома, ангиома из клеток выстилки селезёночного синуса doc090)
abbr., plast.surg. lateral calcaneal artery
abbr., scottish type abbreviation Landing Craft, Assault; Light Combat Aircraft (India)
abbr., stat. latent class analysis (Игорь_2006); length composition analysis; length cohort analysis
abbr., tech. landing craft-assault
abbr., textile Liverpool Cotton Association
abbr., tradem. Laser Centers of America; Law And Corporate Affairs
airports, avia. Larnaca, Cyprus
mil. landing craft, assault; launch control area; launch control assembly; light combat aircraft; logistic control activity; low control area; low-cost aircraft
tech. launch control amplifier; linear circuit analysis
lca abbr.
abbr. lower-case alphabet
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Energy industry1