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ITF abbr.stresses
comp., MS комиссия за международную транзакцию (A fee imposed by some financial and banking institutions on international financial transactions; ITF)
comp., net. интерактивное оконечное устройство
nautic. Международная федерация транспортных рабочих (International Transport Workers' Federation enrus1); МФТР (enrus1); МФТ (Coquelicot)
oil Организация по внедрению промышленных технологий (Industry Technology Facilitator Christie)
proj.manag. Команда внедрения (Implementation Task Force; Same as Deployment Team x-z)
transp. Международный транспортный форум (International Transport Forum Азери)
 English thesaurus
ITF abbr.
abbr., invest. intention to float (Ремедиос_П)
ITF abbr.
abbr., anim.husb. Institute of Tropical Forestry (Department of Agriculture)
abbr., avia. integrated test fixture; integrated test force
abbr., el. impulse transfer function; induced transmission filter; internetwork transfer frame; intra-task force; ion transit frequency; isochronous transmit FIFO
abbr., IT Integrated test facilities
abbr., mil. intelligence task force (DIA)
abbr., org.name. International Transport Workers' Federation; UNDG Iraq Trust Fund
abbr., pharma. Interleaved Two of Five (Ying)
abbr., tenn. International Tennis Federation (Johnny Bravo)
abbr., textile Institut fur Textil-und Faserforschung
ITF abbr.
abbr. Industrial Training Fund; International Tuberculosis Foundation; International Tennis Federation; International Trade Federation
abbr., avia. information transport function; International Transport Workers Federation
abbr., comp., net. interactive terminal facility
abbr., earth.sc. infratemporal fossa; international trade fair; intertropical front
abbr., file.ext. Interactive Test Facility
abbr., invest. intention to float (Ремедиос_П)
abbr., IT JPI TopSpeed Pascal Interface file
abbr., law Inmate Trust Fund
abbr., mus. International Turntablist Federation
abbr., nautic. Complies on Crewing
abbr., oil integrated thermal flux
abbr., scottish Integral Time Fuze; Integration & Test Facility; Intelligence Task Force
abbr., space inter-tropical front
abbr., sport. International Taekwondo Federation; lnternational Tennis Federation
abbr., st.exch. In Trust For
abbr., tech. induction thrust fan (индукционный тяговый воздухонагнетатель Acruxia)
abbr., textile Institute Textile de France
abbr., textile, germ. Institute für Textil-und Faserforschung
abbr., transp. International Transport Federation
mil. integrated test facility; intensive trials in flight
tech. infrared telescope facility; intelligent terminal family
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
Trade unions2