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IMD abbr.stresses
ed. МИУР (Institute for Management Development; International Institute for Management Development; Международный институт управленческого развития MichaelBurov); МИРМ (Institute for Management Development; International Institute for Management Development; Международный институт развития менеджмента MichaelBurov)
math. план неполноблочного многооткликового эксперимента (incomplete multiresponse design)
meteorol. Индийское метеорологическое бюро (INDIA METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT gov.in -=sAm=-); Метеослужба Индии (INDIA METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT gov.in -=sAm=-)
UN подразделение управления капиталовложениями (Investment Management Division Sloneno4eg)
 English thesaurus
IMD abbr.
abbr. Integrated Motor Drive; Interim Multiple Dwelling; Index of Multiple deprivation (Vladimir71); Intelligence Management Document; Institute of Metals Division
abbr., avia. Imonda, Papua New Guinea
abbr., busin. immediately
abbr., cables impedance-matching device (MichaelBurov)
abbr., commun. Integrated Maintenance Depot
abbr., earth.sc. Institute for Marine Dynamics
abbr., ed. Inspiring Moral Disciplined; International Institute for Management Development (Catherine-the-Brave); Institute for Management Development (MichaelBurov)
abbr., ed., scient. Indian Medical Department
abbr., el. integrated magnetodiode; intensified multichannel detector; interactive map definition; interface matching device; intermetal dielectric (layer)
abbr., el., scient. Inter Metal Dielectric; Inter-Modulation Distortion
abbr., hi-fi intermodulation distortion
abbr., meteorol. Institution For Mental Diseases; Invasive mold disease
abbr., mil. Insert Mounted Device; InterModulation Distortion
abbr., mil., avia. industrial mobilization base
abbr., oil Institute of Marine Dynamics
abbr., phys., scient. Interactive Molecular Dynamics
abbr., physiol. Immune-Mediated Disease; Inherited Metabolic Disease; Invasive Meningococcal Disease
abbr., physiol., med. Index of Multiple Deprivation
abbr., plast. In Mould Decoration
abbr., post Intelligent Mail Device (30,000 scanners installed by 2007)
abbr., space Indian Meteorological Department; integral multiple density
abbr., tradem. Innovative Medical Devices
abbr., transp. Individual Motor Drive
mil. intercept monitoring display
tech. intermediate distortion
imd. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. immediate
imd abbr.
abbr. immediate
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