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IFC abbr.stresses
bank. Международная финансовая корпорация (International Finance Corporation)
construct. Выпущен для строительства (Issued for construction John White)
Gruzovik, econ. Международная конвенция по рыболовству (International Fisheries Convention)
Gruzovik, mil. ИК система управления огнём (infrared fire control); инфракрасная система управления огнём (infrared fire control)
insur. Оговорки Института лондонских страховщиков о страховании фрахта (Yuriy83)
O&G Международные нормы пожаробезопасности (International Fire Code Sprouse)
O&G, sakh. МФК (International Finance Corporation); техническая документация выдано для строительства (категория техдокументации, Issued for Construction)
iFC abbr.
telecom. первичные критерии фильтрации (Liquid_Sun)
 English thesaurus
IFC abbr.
abbr. Industry Foundation Classes; International Financial Center; Internet FAQ Consortium (Internet, FAQ, organization); International Finance Corp.; International Freighting Corp.
abbr., adv. inside front cover (Alexander Oshis)
abbr., auto. integrated fuel control
abbr., avia. in-flight collision; in-flight control; inflight calibration; inflight computer; instantaneous frequency correction; instrument flight center; inflight control; inflight collision; initial flight clearance; instantaneous frequency correlator
abbr., avia., med. instrument flight conditions
abbr., bank. International Financial Corporation (MichaelBurov)
abbr., biotechn. Integrated fluidic circuits (Altuntash)
abbr., chem. imino-formyl chloride
abbr., earth.sc. International Forecasting Centre (Niger)
abbr., econ. International Financing Company
abbr., el. interface clear; current-to-frequency converter; input format control; instruction fetch cycle; integrated fire control (system); integrated flexible cable; interframe coder; intermediate frequency circuit
abbr., electr.eng. Installation and Factory Calibration (Nugal)
abbr., fin. International Finance Center
abbr., food.ind. I Forgot Cheetos
abbr., inet. Internet Foundation Classes
abbr., insur. Institute Freight Clauses (Yuriy83)
abbr., IT Ignore File Check
abbr., med. intrinsic factor concentrate
abbr., media. Independent Film Channel
abbr., mil. Item For Collection; intelligence fusion center
abbr., mil., avia. in-flight calibration
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Issued for Comments; Issued for Construction
abbr., O&G, sakh. instrument flying conditions
abbr., oil integrated function controller; interfacial complex; International Freighting Corporation
abbr., org.name. International Forest Convention
abbr., pack. Individual Folding Carton (Olga_Tyn)
abbr., pharma. imaging flow cytometer (Wakeful dormouse)
abbr., scottish Instrument Flight Centre
abbr., space incentive-fee contract
abbr., sport. Federation Internationale de Canoe
abbr., st.exch. Interchange Financial Services Corporation
abbr., tech. International Fire Code (harser); International Finance Centre
abbr., textile International Fashion Council
abbr., tradem. Iowa Fried Chicken
abbr., UN International Finance Corporation
energ.ind., abbr. indirect fuel combustion
mil. initial fire command
mil., abbr. infrared fire control; instructor of fire control; integrated fire control
tech., abbr. instantaneous frequency correlation; integrated fire control radar
Ifc abbr.
astronaut. In-Flight Connectivity (muzungu)
: 10 phrases in 7 subjects
United Nations1