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GTW abbr.stresses
auto. полный вес автопоезда; полный вес автопоезда (Waldis); полная масса автопоезда (Waldis)
tech. Белый ковкий чугун (DIN 1692 raig100)
 English thesaurus
GTW abbr.
abbr. Giant Train Wrecks
abbr., avia. gross take-off weight
abbr., el. global trading Web
abbr., med. Giemsa-trypsin-Wright (harser)
abbr., mil. Go-To-War
abbr., O&G Gas-to-Wire (Gas-to-Wire (GTW) is a means of transmitting gas energy, as with a gas pipeline or the case of LNG and/or GTL Kenny Gray)
abbr., railw. Grand Trunk Western Railroad Incorporated
abbr., space gateway; gross take off weight
abbr., transp. Gross Trailer Weight
airports, avia. Zlin, Czechoslovakia
mil. gross takeoff weight
NYSE., st.exch. Gateway, Inc.
tech. gross train weight
gtw abbr.
abbr. good this week
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects