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GLP abbr.stresses
abbr., auto. glow plug
abbr., avia. Gulgubip, Papua New Guinea; government loaned property
abbr., biochem. glucose-1-phosphate (MichaelBurov)
abbr., chem. glucagon-like peptide; Glucose-L-phosphate; Glycolipoprotein
abbr., dog. German longhaired pointer ('More)
abbr., earth.sc. great lakes power limited (Ontario)
abbr., el. general logic probe; grayscale laser printer
abbr., fig.of.sp. graduated licensing program
abbr., immunol. Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide
abbr., lab.eq. good laboratory practice; good laboratory practices
abbr., math. generalized lattice point
abbr., med. Group Living Program; Germ Line Proliferation
abbr., mil. Government-Loaned Property
abbr., mil., avia. government-lent property
abbr., NGO Global Lawyers and Physicians for Human Rights
abbr., oil glass lining pipe; Guadeloupe
mil. government-lent property; ground liaison party; guideline paper
GLp abbr.
abbr. cumulative condensate liquid produced
: 15 phrases in 7 subjects
Clinical trial6
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1
Pharmacy and pharmacology1