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FTSE abbr.stresses
bank. индекс FTSE (индекс, публикуемый газетой "Файнэншл Таймз", расчитываемый совместно с Лондонской фондовой биржей skate)
slang футси 100 (informally, the "footsie" is a share index of the 100 most highly capitalised UK companies listed on the London Stock Exchange. Albukerke)
 English thesaurus
FTSE abbr.
abbr. Financial Times/ Stock Exchange share index; Full Time Student Equivalent; fuel-to-steam efficiency (Millie); joint venture of Financial Times and London Stock Exchange; Financial Times Stock Exchang
abbr., econ. Financial Times Stock Index (Vosoni); Financial Times Share Index
abbr., fin. FTSE International Limited
abbr., inet. Full Time Student Equivalency
abbr., securit. Financial Time Stock Exchange
abbr., st.exch. Financial Times Stock Exchange
: 11 phrases in 6 subjects
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1
Stock Exchange6