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FSD abbr.stresses
el.mach. привод с постоянной частотой (вращения; fixed speed drive crockodile)
gynecol. сниженное половое влечение (Это синонимично с FSAD female sexual arousal disorder mazurov)
IT дисплей с плоским экраном; драйвер файловой системы
math. факторный последовательный план (factorial sequential design)
sec.sys. Швейцарский Фонд по разминированию (Swiss Foundation for Mine Action Dino)
fsd abbr.
phys. отклонение на всю шкалу
 English thesaurus
FSD abbr.
abbr. Family Support Division; Fill Same Day; Field Support Division; Flight Safety Division; Forward Support Detachment; Fucking Stupid Debate
abbr., agric., econ. farming systems development
abbr., auto. Frequency Selective Damping (translator911); full self-drive (MichaelBurov); full self-driving (MichaelBurov)
abbr., avia. Sioux Falls, South Dakota USA; Flight Service Directive; FS Directive; fabrication start date; fabrication service division; flight standard division
abbr., chem. fast-scanning detector
abbr., dentist. for The Swedish Dental
abbr., earth.sc. Federal Survey Department (Nigeria); first-order stochastic dominance; fractional standard deviation
abbr., el. fail safe disconnect; file set descriptor; full size drawing
abbr., el., scient. Full Scale Deflection
abbr., file.ext. File System Driver (OS/2)
abbr., IT Feature Structure Declaration; file system driver; flat screen display
abbr., law Father Son Daughter
abbr., med. Focus-skin Distance
abbr., mil. Flying Screen Deterioration; Full Scale Development; Family of Physical Deception
abbr., mil., avia. fail-safe disconnect
abbr., nucl.phys. focus-surface distance
abbr., oil field size distribution; fine sand; fine sandstone; Fisher significant difference; flying spot digitizer; fracture safe design; full size detail
abbr., oil.proc. flat side down (Yerkwantai)
abbr., org.name. Food Security Department
abbr., police Fleet Services Division
abbr., progr. Functional Specifications Document (Техническое задание Coalesce)
abbr., scottish Full-Scale Deflection
abbr., st.exch. Financial Securities Assurance Holdings, LTD.
abbr., tech. fully stressed design
energ.ind. full-size design; full-system decontamination
mil. field supply depot; field survey detachment; flight support division; forecast support date; fuel supply depot; full-scale development; functional sequence diagram
nucl.phys. focus-to-skin distance
O&G feed surge drum
tech. full system decontamination
fsd abbr.
abbr. full-size detail
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects