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ETD abbr.stresses
avia. расчётное время начала движения ВС перед вылетом (MichaelBurov); расчётное время начала движения ВС перед вылетом, полученное посредством плана полёта (MichaelBurov)
busin. ожидаемое время отправления (expected time of departure)
energ.ind. встроенный датчик температуры (от embedded temperature detector Mamontt)
med. дисфункция евстахиевой трубы (Shelly Webster)
microsc. детектор Эверхарта-Торнли (mmak78)
refrig. разность температур на входе (Entering Temperature Difference greyhead)
sec.sys. обнаружение следов ВВ (explosive trace detection WiseSnake)
transp. расчётное время отправления (/estimated time of departure/ Nazim Kasimov)
 English thesaurus
ETD abbr.
abbr. Equivalent Transmission Density; expected time of department; electron stimulated desorption; electron impact desorption
abbr., avia. estimated time of departure (MichaelBurov); estimated departure time; electrical terminal distributor
abbr., earth.sc. electronic transit detector; equivalent temporal damping; erosion, transport, and deposition
abbr., ed., scient. Education Training And Development; Electronic Theses And Dissertations; Electronic Thesis Or Dissertation
abbr., el. element type declaration; embedded temperature detector; end transaction descriptor; event time digitizer; extension trunk dialing
abbr., el., scient. Economic Transformer Design
abbr., fin. estimated delivery date
abbr., immunol. Electron transfer dissociation (Altuntash)
abbr., IT Electronic Telephone Directory
abbr., libr. electronic theses and dissertation
abbr., logist. Expected Time of Departure (gorbulenko)
abbr., med. estimated time of death; ethylene bisthiuram disulfide
abbr., met. elevated temperature drawing; elevated temperature deformation
abbr., mil. Electronic Transfer Device; Estimated Time of Departure
abbr., oil edge technique design; elapsed time delay; electronic triggering device; estimated total depth; exact time of departure
abbr., physiol., med. Elevated Temperature Drawn
abbr., police Effective Training and Development Ltd
abbr., refrig. Entering Temperature Difference (разность температур на входе greyhead)
abbr., transp. Explosive Trace Detection
mil. effective transfer date; electronic tactical display; engineering test directive; estimated time of delivery
mil., abbr. estimated time of departure
tech. electronic time delay
Etd abbr.
abbr., med. ethionamide
etd. abbr.
abbr., econ. estimated time of departure
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