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EPC adj.stresses
gen. Проектирование-Закупки-Строительство (Engineering, Procurement, Construction natav)
abbr. электронный каталог запчастей (electronic parts catalog warsheep)
archit. Energy Performance Certificate, Свидетельство об энергоэффективности здания (Energy performance certificates (EPCs)  are legally required for business and commercial buildings when the properties are newly built, sold or leased. balkonchik)
Canada Экстра-провинциальная корпорация (Extra-Provintial Corporation (Канада – компания, созданная в соответствии с норативными положениями одной провинции и зарегистрированная в другой провинции для ведения в ней бизнеса, либо компания другой страны, перемещенная под канадскую юрисдикцию) Climber)
chem. критерии точки эквивалентности (equivalence point criteria konstmak)
clin.trial. ранний контроль процессов (MichaelBurov)
construct. проектирование, материально-техническое снабжение, строительство (Engineering, Procurement and Construction Яша); контракт на инжиниринг, поставки и строительство (proz.com amorgen); генеральный подряд (наиболее близко соответствующий нашим понятиям перевод Stepney)
ecol. РООС (Раздел охраны окружающей среды; Environmental protection chapter Pani); Конвенция о европейском патенте
environ. Совет по борьбе с загрязнением окружающей среды (Environment Pollution Control Board Adamodeus)
foundr. литьё с расходуемой моделью (expendable pattern casting VLZ_58)
hydraul. Электронное Пропорциональное Регулирование (frayser)
law Хозяйственный процессуальный кодекс (Economic Procedural Code elena_sahara)
logist. электронный код продукта (Electronic Product Code andrew_egroups)
med. Европейский панкреатологический клуб (European Pancreatic Club paseal); эндотелиальные клетки-предшественники (Ying)
nucl.phys. ЭПК (MichaelBurov); электрон-позитронный коллайдер (MichaelBurov)
O&G, sakh. проектирование, материально-техническое снабжение и строительство (Engineering Procurement and Construction); проектирование, снабжение и строительство (engineering, procurement and construction)
O&G, tengiz. Раздел по охране окружающей среды (Aiduza); РООС (Aiduza)
polit. Европейское Политическое Сотрудничество (European political cooperation mazurov)
polygr. контроль положения кромок (hellamarama)
SAP.tech. управляемая событиями цепь процессов
tech. Расширенный перлит с покрытием (Expanded perlite coated – изоляция Enote)
telecom. развитое ядро пакетной коммутации (MichaelBurov); ядро архитектуры сети беспроводной связи SAE (MichaelBurov)
EPC abbr.
energ.ind. Строительство "под ключ" например, солнечной электростанции (Engineering, procurement and construction Racooness)
EU., patents. ЕПК (Европейская патентная конвенция – The European Patent Convention (EPC), also known as the Convention on the Grant of European Patents of 5 October 1973, is a multilateral treaty instituting the European Patent Organisation and providing an autonomous legal system according to which European patents are granted. europa.eu 'More)
 English thesaurus
EPC abbr.
abbr. Earning Per Clicks; Earnings Per Click; Electronic Parts Catalog; Electronic Product Code; Engineer Procure Construct; Engineering Procure And Construct; Engineering Procurement And Construction; European Patent Convention; Event-driven Process Chain; Eastern Partnership Countries (Alexander Matytsin); Economic and Planning Council; Economic Policy Committee; Entropic Proprietary Coding; Environmental Policy Center; Environmental Protection Control; Esso Petroleum Company; European Planning Council; European Political Cooperation; editorial processing centre; Engineering-Procurement-Construction contract; easy processing channel carbon black; edge point control; Engineering Physics Co.; European Payments Council
abbr., auto. electronic pressure control; Electronic Power Control (ВВладимир); electronic braking-pressure control; electronic suspension control; electrostatic powder coating
abbr., auto.ctrl. electronic pressure controller (igisheva)
abbr., avia. engineering process council; external power contactor (connector); electrical power center
abbr., biotechn. Embryonic stem cells (Altuntash)
abbr., BrE Education Promotion Certificate; Education Promotion Certificate, Advanced
abbr., busin. export price control
abbr., chromat. electronic pneumatic control (harser)
abbr., clin.trial. Early Process Control (MichaelBurov)
abbr., commer. effective protection coefficient
abbr., comp., MS event-driven process chain (ssn)
abbr., comp.name. Ethiopian Petroleum Corp.
abbr., cryptogr. extended parity checking
abbr., earth.sc. Economic Planning Commission; Electric Power Corporation (Burma); Electronic Products Corporation; Energy Policy Committee; engineering, procurement, construction; Environmental Protection Commission; Environmental Protection Council (Kuwait); equilibrium phosphorus concentration; Esso Petroleum Co.
abbr., ed., scient. Educational Programs Committee
abbr., el. emergency preparedness communications; endless polarization control; enhancement of photoconductivity; enhancement of photocurrent; even-parity check; extrapolated performance characteristics; embedded personal computer
abbr., el., scient. Electronic Pressure Control; Electronics Part Catalogue
abbr., energ.ind. Engineering Procurement Contract (agrabo)
abbr., environ. Energy Performance Certificate (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_Performance_Certificate ilghiz)
abbr., fish.farm. electronic product code
abbr., fr., space Etage Principal Cryotechnique
abbr., geol. Exploration Permit for Coal (разрешение на проведение геологоразведочных работ на уголь itisasecret)
abbr., IT Emulate Pocket Calculator; Enhanced Pci Controller; Electronic Product Catalogue
abbr., med. Endothelial Progenitor Cell; End-plate Current; Epilepsia Partialis Continua; Evidence-based Practice Center; External Pneumatic Compression; Enquête Permanente Cancer; European Pancreatic Club; Evidence-based Practice Centers
abbr., med., lat. epilepsy partialis continua
abbr., met. eccentricity protection control
abbr., mil. Electronic Phone Check; Electronic Power Conditioner; Emergency Procurement Committee
abbr., mil., avia. easy processing channel
abbr., nautic., scient. Economic Policy Council
abbr., nucl.phys. electron-positron collider (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, casp. environment protection chapter (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Engineering Procurement and Construction; engineering, procurement and construction
abbr., O&G, sakh. energy performance contract; engineering procurement construction
abbr., office.equip. Electronic Pre-Collation (электронная подборка копий translator911)
abbr., oil engineer, procure and construct (andrushin); easy processing channel black; editorial processing center; electric pneumatic control; engine performance controller; ethylene—propylene copolymer; experiment pointing and control; export price check
abbr., oncol. Endothelial Precursor Cell
abbr., oncol., med. Endothelial Precursor Cells
abbr., physiol. endothelial progenitor cells (Игорь_2006); Emulsified Particulate Cellulose
abbr., physiol., med. Enhanced Primary Care; Extracellular Patch Clamp
abbr., polit. European Political Community
abbr., polygr. edge position control (hellamarama)
abbr., polym. easy processing carbon; ethylene propylene copolymer
abbr., relig. Evangelical Presbyterian Church
abbr., scottish Electro Prismatic Collimator; Electronic Plane Conversion; Engin Principal de Combat (Future main battle tank (France))
abbr., shipb. experiment patrol craft; experiment submarine chaser
abbr., space electric power conditioner; electrophoretic powder coating; ethylene-propylene copolymer
abbr., st.exch. Epcos, A. G.
abbr., tech. Electronic Product Code (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., telecom. evolved packet core (MichaelBurov)
abbr., tradem. Electric Power Corporation; Emerging Products Center
abbr., transp. Extended Propulsion Coverage
abbr., vet.med., med. EctoPlacental Cone; Exceptionally Pretty Cat
bank. European Payments Council (Европейский совет по платёжным системам; Европейский платёжный совет Maldiviana)
econ. Exempt Private Company (освобождённая частная компания – в контексте налогового регулирования в Сингапуре eltoma-global.com Мария Григорян)
mil. elementary processing center
O&G engineering & procurement company
tech. easy processing channel; electron photon cascade; electronic program control; emergency preparedness coordinator; end plate current; engineering planning coordinator; equipotential cathode; error protection code
EPC M abbr.
abbr. engineering, procurement and construction contractor
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. engineering, procurement and construction contractor
EPCI abbr.
abbr., O&G, sakh. Engineering Procurement and Construction (Installation Sakhalin Energy)
EPC abbr.
abbr., pharm. Established Pharmacologic Class (Mumma)
: 26 phrases in 14 subjects
Energy system1
Oil and gas1
Project management1
SAP tech.1