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CFP abbr.stresses
gen. информационное письмо (call for papers = анонс научной конференции, приглашение выступить с докладами denghu)
avia. рабочий план полёта (Oleksandr Spirin)
comp., MS пара файлов контрольных точек (vlad-and-slav)
fin. Сертифицированный специалист по финансовому планированию (certified financial planner Sloneno4eg)
O&G, tengiz. программа фондов сотрудничества (Yeldar Azanbayev)
 English thesaurus
CfP abbr.
abbr. Call for Papers
CFP abbr.
abbr. California Floristic Province; Call For Papers; Caring For People; Certified Financial Planner; Conference For Food Protection; Central Focal Point (SEIC ABelonogov); Concept Formulation Process; Contention Free Period (PCF, MAC); Crappy Freaking Pack; customer furnished property (алешаBG); computer forms printer
abbr., auto. Clean Energy Partnership
abbr., automat. computer-aided financial planning
abbr., avia. Computer Flight Plan (K48); computerized flight plan (Interex); contractor-furnished property; cost plus fixed price; company flight plan; customer furnished parts
abbr., biotechn. Cyan Fluorescent Protein (Altuntash)
abbr., commer. Communaute Financiere du Pacifique
abbr., comp., MS checkpoint file pair (vlad-and-slav)
abbr., earth.sc. cold frontal passage; common-fault-point; common focal point
abbr., econ. Compagnie Francaise des Petroles
abbr., el. confocal Fabry-Perot (interferometer); call for proposal; ceramic flat package; contamination-free processing; crystal field parameter
abbr., el., scient. Ceramic Flat Pack
abbr., fin. Pacific Financial Community
abbr., fishery common fisheries policy
abbr., IT Change and Forget Password; The Complete Fax Portable Fax file; creation facilities program
abbr., lab.eq. Cyan-Fluorescent Protein
abbr., med. Culture Filtrate Protein; Cystic Fibrosis Protein; chronic false-positive; College of Family Physicians (Canada); cystic fibrosis (pancreas)
abbr., med.appl. cupola-free perimeter
abbr., mil. Concept Formulation Package; Contingency Force Pool
abbr., mil., avia. center of filtering and plotting
abbr., oil common fault point; common focus point; cross-flow pack (separator)
abbr., oil.proc. Cracked Feed Protection (Charlotte Malkavian); Clean Fuel Package (Mus)
abbr., polym. crystalline fusible polyester
abbr., proced.law. Child and Family Protection (sankozh)
abbr., scottish Captain Fishery Protection; Captive Flight Trainer; Centre of Filtering & Plotting
abbr., sec.sys., IT Computers Freedom And Privacy; Computers, Freedom, and Privacy
abbr., st.exch. California Federal Preferred Capital Corporation
abbr., stat. capacity physical productivity
mil. Canadian Forces publication; center of filtering and plotting; concept formulation package; concept formulation phase; concept formulation plan; contractor furnished property; control filter post
oil, abbr. cross-flow pack separator
tech. carrier frequency pulse
cfp abbr.
abbr., oil cubic feet per pound
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects