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CPL abbr.stresses
gen. комбинированный язык программирования; цена за лид (Cost per lead, often abbreviated as CPL, is an online advertising pricing model, where the advertiser pays for an explicit sign-up from a consumer interested in the advertiser's offer. It is also commonly called online lead generation. Contrary to cost per mille (CPM) and cost per click (CPC) pricing models, where advertisers are charged for impressions (a.k.a. "views") and clicks, respectively, in a CPL pricing model advertisers pay only for a qualified sign-up regardless of how many impressions or clicks their advertisement receives. CPL advertising enables advertisers to generate guaranteed returns on their online advertising money. WK Alexander Demidov); Законодательство о защите прав потребителей (Consumer Protection Legislation vicpol)
avia. свидетельство коммерческого пилота (commercial pilot licence lepre); лицензия коммерческого пилота (commercial pilot license; в зависимости отт контекста может переводиться как "коммерческие пилоты" Oleksandr Spirin); свидетельство пилота коммерческой авиации (commercial pilot licence Emilia M); сообщение о текущем плане полёта (current flight plan message Emilia M); коммерческая лётная лицензия (MichaelBurov)
chem. капролактам (caprolactam pitbulldog54)
comp., net. текущий уровень привилегий ("current privilege level"); действующий уровень полномочий
fin. ЗЗПП (snku)
IT текущий уровень преимущественного права
law УПП (уголовно-процессуальное право nerzig)
met. НТА (continuous picking line – непрерывный травильный агрегат tajga22)
pharm. в капсулах (капсулы Инесса Шляк Абидор)
photo. круговой поляризационный фильтр (rish)
wood. Ламинат низкого непрерывного давления (Сontinuous Pressure Laminate LuckyDucky)
Cpl abbr.
stat. скорректированный индекс краткосрочной способности процесса по нижнему пределу допуска (kat_j)
cpl abbr.
Gruzovik знаки в строке (characters per line)
cPL abbr.
vet.med. canine pancreas-specific lipase специфическая панкреатическая липаза собак (Alexey Lebedev)
cpl. abbr.
abbr. в комплекте (4uzhoj)
Cpl. abbr.
mil. капрал (Alex_Odeychuk)
 English thesaurus
CPL abbr.
abbr. Canine Partners for Life; Certified Professional Landlord; Certified Professional Locksmith; Cleaning, Pressing, and Laundering; Combined Programming Language (DEC, PL/1); Commercial Pilot's License; common public license; current product line
abbr., adv. cost-per-lead (интернет-маркетинг Melted)
abbr., astrophys. Chevallier-Polarski-Linder (MichaelBurov)
abbr., auto. controlled parts list; cylinder pressure level
abbr., avia. Commercial Pilot License (MichaelBurov); current flight plan (MichaelBurov); current flight plan message; commercial pilots license; couple; component parts list; central public library; center for process learning; component part list
abbr., busin. certified products list
abbr., comp., net. current privilege level; cost per lead
abbr., dril. circulating pressure loss
abbr., earth.sc. circularity polarized to the left
abbr., ed. Conforming Products List; County Parent Liaison
abbr., el. conversational programming language; call programming language; circularly polarized light; coherently pumped laser; computer programming language; coplanar transmission line; critical path length
abbr., el., scient. Capability performance, lower; Cyclic Poly Lactate
abbr., file.ext. CAST Programming Language; Computer Projects Limited; Windows Control Panel applet (CONTROL.EXE Vosoni); Colour palette (Corel); Control panel extension (Windows); Presentation (Compel)
abbr., insur. comprehensive personal liability policy
abbr., IT Cambridge Programming Language; Collection Programming Language; Colour palette; Control panel extension; Current Privilege Level; Presentation; combined programming language; Compressed programming language; Central Program Library
abbr., med. Caprine Placental Lactogen; Conditioned Pitch Level; Congenital Pulmonary Lymphangiectasia; Clinical Program Leader; α-ceruloplasmin; congenital pulmonary
abbr., met. coil pickling line; coil preparation line; continuous pickling line; continuous processing line
abbr., mil. Certified Parts List; Corporal
abbr., mil., avia. CAD programming language
abbr., oil Canadian Program Library; caprolactam; cement plaster; cemented perforated liner; centreline poly-lead; certified professional landman; combination production logging; continental part of the lithosphere
abbr., pharma. clinical pathology laboratory (Игорь_2006); Clinical Pharmacokinetics Laboratory (Игорь_2006)
abbr., polit. Communist Party Of Latvia
abbr., progr. current privilege level (ssn)
abbr., scottish Characters Per Line
abbr., space capillary pumped loop; common program language
abbr., sport. Computer Players League; Cyberathlete Professional League; Cyberathlete Professionals League
abbr., st.exch. Carolina Power & Light Company
abbr., tech. Continuous Pressing Laminates (Rattenfдnger); control parts list; critical parts list
abbr., transp. Commercial Pilot Licence; Current Flight Plan
abbr., vet.med., med. Cats Protection League
energ.ind. computer program library
mil. certified professional logistician; civilian personnel letter; contractor performance list; contractor procurement list; corps phase line
tech. common programming language
Cpl abbr.
abbr. a factor used during a proving run to adjust for pressure on the liquid in the prover and pipe; the correction for pressure on liquid; corporal
cpl abbr.
abbr. Concrete Protective Liner (rom); coupler
biol. carpel
.cpl abbr.
file.ext. Control Panel (file name extension)
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects