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CPE abbr.stresses
gen. центральный обрабатывающий элемент
abbr. Шкала эффективности проникновения препарата в ЦНС (The CNS Penetration Effectiveness (CPE) scale was developed to rank the ability of antiretroviral drugs to cross the blood-brain barrier. Mirra_Commifora)
account. дополнительное профессиональное образование (Continuing Professional Education Mishonok)
adv. цена за вовлечение (Cost per Engagement citysleeper)
bank., abbr. continuous professional education -- Программа непрерывного повышения квалификации (Yakov F.)
biotechn. цитопатический эффект (Cytopathic effect vdengin)
comp., net. единый интерфейс программирования коммуникаций; оборудование, устанавливаемое в помещениях пользователя (Alexander Demidov)
econ. потребительские расходы населения (personal consumption expenditures oshkindt); плановая экономика (сокращение от centrally planned economy A.Rezvov)
ed. Сертификат UCLES 5 уровня общего владения (профессиональный пользователь; Certificate of Proficiency in English shpak_07)
Gruzovik, econ. Центр развития наиболее популярных тенденций в экономике (Center for Popular Economics)
hindi Центральное испытательное учреждение (Central Proof Establishment (г. Итарси, округ Хошангабад, Мадхья Прадеш, Индия) Шандор)
immunol. цитопатическое действие (Wakeful dormouse)
IT процессорный элемент (сокр. от "compute-processing element" Alex_Odeychuk); клиентское оборудование (customer premises equipment kotechek)
ling. тест на исключительно высокий уровень владения английским языком (сокр. от "Certificate of Proficiency in English" Alex_Odeychuk)
math. круговая вероятная ошибка (circular probable error)
med. карбапенемазо-продуцирующие энтеробактерии (ButThereIsANuance); кардиогенный отёк лёгких (Cardiogenic pulmonary edema chandrewdoc)
met. реечный стан (Cross-piercing elongator Rovena)
mol.biol. ЦПЭ (Slawjanka); цитопатогенный эффект (cytopathogenic effect Slawjanka)
ophtalm. пигментный эпителий цилиарного тела (doc090)
 English thesaurus
CPE abbr.
abbr. Certified Peer Educators; Certified Professional Electrologist; Certified Professional Ergonomist; Continuing Professional Education; Creoles and Pidgins, English-based; Central Production Element; Certificate for Proficiency in English; Certificate of Proficiency in English (Anglophile); cellulose polyethylene; countries centrally planned economics countries; Chemical Processing and Engineering
abbr., auto. coupe
abbr., avia. chief project engineer; chlorinated poly ethylene; chief program engineer; communication primary equipment; company purchased equipment
abbr., biol. corona penetrating enzyme
abbr., busin. centrally planned economies; Centrally planned economics
abbr., chem. carbon paste electrode
abbr., comp., net. Cross-Platform Environment
abbr., comp., net., IT Canine Performance Events; Communication Protocol Exchange; Customer Premise Equipment
abbr., cryptogr. common platform enumeration
abbr., earth.sc. catch-per-unit effort; comprehensive performance evaluation
abbr., EBRD centrally planned economy
abbr., ed. Career Placement Employment
abbr., el. chip parasitic extraction; common phase error; communication processing equipment; construction project evaluation programme; composition pulling effect; continuous particle electrophoresis; continuous phase encoder; customer premises exchange
abbr., genet. cytoplasmic polyA element
abbr., health. cytopathic effect
abbr., health., med. Certified Physician Executive
abbr., hydrol. cumulative pan evaporation (Karabas)
abbr., IT Client Premises Equipment; Customer Premises Equipment; Customer Provided Equipment; Fax Cover document; customer-provided equipment
abbr., lab.eq. CytoPathic Effect
abbr., med. Cardiac Pulmonary Edema; Chronic Pulmonary Emphysema; Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema; Certified Postnatal Educator (http://www.icea.org/ KN); Carbapenemase-producing enterobacteria (Millie); compensation, pension, and education; cytopathogenic effect; effective compliance
abbr., mil. Collective Protective Equipment; Computer Performance Evaluation; Conventional Planning and Execution; chemical protective equipment (Киселев); Concept formulation, Planning & preparation, and Execution; customer premise equipment
abbr., mil., avia. central processing element
abbr., multimed. customer premises/provided equipment
abbr., nucl.pow. collective radiation exposure (kate_sever)
abbr., oil Canadian Production Expense; cathodic protection equipment; centrally planned economies (economics); conductive polyethylene; continuous phase equilibrium
abbr., ophtalm. ciliary pigment epithelium (doc090)
abbr., org.name. European Farmer Co-ordination
abbr., physiol., med. Chronic pulmonary emphysema; Complete Physical Examination
abbr., polym. chlorinated polyethylene
abbr., pow.el. chlorinated polyether
abbr., qual.cont. contractor-furnished equipment
abbr., scient. Common Professional Examination
abbr., scottish Communications Privacy Equipment
abbr., space central programmer and evaluator
abbr., st.exch. Callon Petroleum Company of Delaware
abbr., telecom. customer station equipment
airports, avia. Campeche, Mexico
energ.ind. certified plant engineer; certified professional engineer; construction project evaluation; coolant performance evaluation; core performance evaluation
mil. central processing element; circular probable error; collective protection equipment; command post equipment; communications processor element; contractor performance evaluation
tech. customer-premises equipment; call on parity even; central programmer evaluator; computer peripheral equipment; control processing electronics
CPe abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. Compound Poisson-exponential Model
.cpe abbr.
file.ext. Cover Page (file name extension)
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects