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CPAC abbr.stresses
Gruzovik, polit. Конференция консервативных политических действий (Conservative Political Action Conference)
 English thesaurus
CPAC abbr.
abbr. Cable Public Affairs Channel (http://www.cpac.ca/en/about-cpac/ Tanya Gesse); Cable Public Affairs Channel (Canada) = Общественно-политический канал кабельного телевидения (Канада; cpac.ca Tanya Gesse)
abbr., anim.husb. Committee for Promotion and Advancement of Cooperatives
abbr., astronaut. Commercial Programs Advisory Committee
abbr., avia. cabin pressure automatic controller; customer problem action committee
abbr., econ. Consumer Protection Advisory Committee
abbr., el. concurrent processor architecture for control; Copy Protection Advisory Council
abbr., fin. IMF Civic Program Advisory Committee
abbr., law Children's Panel Advisory Committee (tania_mouse)
abbr., med. Chronic Pain Association Of Canada
abbr., mil. Civilian Personnel Advisory Center
abbr., oil Center of Protection Against Corrosion; Corrosion Prevention Advisory Center
abbr., org.name. Conference, Council and Government Relations Branch
abbr., polit. Conservative Political Action Conference