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CMC abbr.stresses
abbr. Сертификация материалов и оборудования (Certification of Materials and Components (стандарт DNV) oshkindt)
comp., net. общий вызов с использованием сообщения
solid.st.phys. композит с керамико-керамической матрицей (сокр. от "ceramic and ceramic matrix composite" Alex_Odeychuk)
CMC abbr.
antarct., abbr. Система мониторинга судов
chem. критическая мицеллярная концентрация (Karabas); ККМ (MichaelBurov); критическая концентрация мицеллообразования (MichaelBurov)
comp., net. канал связи; набор стандартных вызовов электронной почты; связь с использованием компьютеров СМ1Р общий протокол передачи управляющей информации; протокол общей управляющей информации
dril. КМЦ (carboxymethyl cellulose)
ed. сертифицированный консультант по управлению (Certified Management Consultant Yuriy Sokha)
fish.farm. КМК; кобальтомарганцевые корки
Gruzovik, econ. "Чейс Манхэттен Корпорэйшн" (Chase Manhattan Corporation; одна из крупнейших БТНК; основана в 1969 г.; оказывает услуги крупным, средним, и мелким предпринимателям; является единоличным владельцем ЧМБ; имеет 8 тысячи банков-корреспондентов; отделения более чем в 100 странах)
Gruzovik, email общие почтовые вызовы (common mail calls); интерфейс СМС (common mail calls)
Gruzovik, mil. Командующий морской пехотой (Commandant of the Marine Corps)
inet. компьютерно-опосредованная коммуникация (Computer-Mediated Communication ieee.org andrew_egroups)
IT связь с использованием компьютеров
med. пястно-запястный (carpometacarpal WiseSnake)
O&G критическая концентрация мицелообразования, ККМ (в отношении содержания ПАВ в растворе Alexander Dolgopolsky); карбоксиметилцеллюлоза натрия (MichaelBurov); критическая концентрация мицелообразования (в отношении содержания ПАВ в растворе Alexander Dolgopolsky); ЦУКС (MichaelBurov); Центр управления кризисными ситуациями (MichaelBurov); Центр антикризисного управления (MichaelBurov)
O&G, karach. Комитет подрядчика по сбыту (thisiscrazy)
O&G, oilfield. Система компенсации качки кронблока (Crown block Moving System)
O&G, sakh. Комитет управления подрядчика (Contractor Management Committee); КУП (Contractor Management Committee)
oil Руководящий комитет по сертификации (в Международной электротехнической комиссии, Certification Management Commettee); карбоксиметилцеллюлоза (carboxymethyl cellulose)
perf. кмц
pharm. химические свойства, процесс производства и контроль качества (4_paranoid_4)
pharma. КМХ (карбоксиметил хитозан – эквивалентная аббревиатура на русском языке Min$draV)
tech. код клиента (client master code shpak_07)
textile карбоксиметилцеллюлоза (Yuriy83)
cmc abbr.
chem. Клеточный Мембранный Комплекс (органический комплекс мембран и клеток кератиновых волокон, из которых в основном состоят волосы человека и шерсть животных OlhaK)
publish. covermount collectible, коллекционный предмет, упакованный совместно с изданием (Alexander Orlov)
 English thesaurus
CMC abbr.
abbr. California Advisory Commission on Marine and Coastal Resources; Christening Marriage And Cemetery; Certification Management Committee; cellular mobile communication; China National Machinery Import and Export Corporation; Crisis Management Centre (SEIC ABelonogov); Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls (Margarita@svyaz.kz); Chinese National Machinery Import and Export Corp.; Climax Molybdenum Co.; colo u r mixture curve
abbr., agric. cobalt-manganese crusts
abbr., anim.husb. clump microscopic count
abbr., astronaut. CCSDS Management Council (TSNIIMash)
abbr., auto. chassis mounted cooling (system); compressor motor controller; Continental Motors Corporation
abbr., avia. Central Maintenance Computer (Zealot2002); Central Mail Server; Certified Management Consultant; configuration management center; configuration management council; constant Mach cruise; centralized maintenance computer; ceramic matrix composite; change management council; computing management center; consolidated manufacturing center
abbr., busin. Cummins Marine Centre (подразделение фирмы Cummins gconnell); catenary measuring car; centimetre cube; cost management center
abbr., Canada Combined Meteorological Committee
abbr., chem. critical concentration for micelle formation (MichaelBurov); CCM (MichaelBurov); critical micelle concentration (MichaelBurov)
abbr., chem., scient. Chemistry Manufacturing And Controls
abbr., commun. Converged Management Centre; Convergent Network Management Center (A1300 CMC)
abbr., comp., net. Common Mail Call; computer mediated Communication; communication channel
abbr., comp., net., IT Computer Mediated Communications
abbr., comp.name. Continental Motor Corp.; China National Machinery Imp. and Exp. Corp.
abbr., earth.sc. Carborundum Metals Co.; Caribbean Meteorological Council; Classical Monte Carlo; composite marginal cost; criterion maximum concentration; Cyprus Mines Corp.
abbr., ed., scient. Center For Marine Conservation
abbr., el. chassis management controller (Gaist); cable maintenance center; call modification complete (message); Canadian Marconi Company; Canadian Microelectronics Corporation; cellular mobile communications (network); Center for Microcontamination Control; chemical-mechanical cleaning; chip micro-computer; coded magnetic character; coherent multicarrier; coherent multichannel (system); color mixture curve; command module camera; common memory controller; common messaging call; common mezzanine card; communications magnetic card; communications modem controller; computer-mediated conferencing; computer mode control; computer multimedia communications; concurrent media conversion; control magnetization curve; coordinated manual control; CUG management center; current monitor console
abbr., el., scient. Cassette Module Controller
abbr., electr.eng. contact-making clock
abbr., file.ext. Common Messaging Calls; Computer-Mediated Communication (Internet)
abbr., food.ind. carboxy methyl cellulose
abbr., health., med. Cornell Medical Center
abbr., IT Communication Management Configuration; computer mediated communications; Computer Mediated Conferencing (Yanick); code for magnetic characters; communications management configuration
abbr., lab.eq. Chemical Manufacturing Control
abbr., law case management conference (Old term: summons for directions. LE. This is a meeting between all parties to a case and the Judge to check the progress of the case, with regards to costs and other matters. The numbers of CMCs held depend on the complexity of the case. LT Alexander Demidov)
abbr., life.sc. complement mediated cytotoxicity
abbr., meteorol. Carboxymethylcellulose; Cell-mediated Cytolysis Or Cytotoxicity; Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (ННатальЯ); carpometacarpal; cell-mediated cytotoxicity; chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis; closed mitral comissurotomy
abbr., mil. Ceramic Matrix Composites; Commandant of the Marine Corps; Convolve-Multiply-Convolve (Fourier Transform); crew management cell; Office of Civilian-Military Cooperation (USAID); Chairman of the Military Committee (NATO)
abbr., mil., avia. Canadian Marconi Corporation; cruise missile carrier
abbr., nautic., scient. Canadian Meteorological Centre
abbr., O&G sodium carboxy methyl cellulose (MichaelBurov); sodium carboxymethylcellulose (MichaelBurov); Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (Yeldar Azanbayev); Crisis Management Center (MichaelBurov); sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, karach. Contractor's Marketing Committee (Комитет подрядчика по сбыту thisiscrazy)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Contractor Management Committee
abbr., oil carboxymethylcellulose (andrushin); critical micelle concentration; checkout and maintenance status console; chemical material catalogue; colour mixture curve; constraint multivariable control; continuous multiple contact; crown mounted compensator; quasione-dimensional antiferromagnetics
abbr., org.name. Centre de gestion des crises; Centro di gestione crisi; Central American Monetary Council
abbr., pharm. chemistry,manufacturing,and controls (Alex Kit)
abbr., pharma. carboxymethyl chitosan (Min$draV)
abbr., phys. Colour Measurement Committee (Алвико)
abbr., physiol. circadian molecular clock
abbr., physiol., med. Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium
abbr., polym. carboxymethyl cellulose
abbr., post Category Management Center (2004, e.g. USPS Automation CMC, Merrifield, Virginia)
abbr., progr. ciphering mode command (ssn)
abbr., railw. CMC Railroad Incorporated
abbr., relig. Christian Music Central
abbr., scottish Canadian Marconi Co.; Central Military Commission (China); Cheyenne Mountain Complex (USA); County Military Commander (UK)
abbr., sec.sys., IT Certificate Management protocol using CMS
abbr., space Center for Macromolecular Crystallography; central memory control; ceramic-matrix composite; command module computer; communication mode control
abbr., sport. Card Master Conflict
abbr., st.exch. Commercial Metals Company
abbr., tax. cargo moving charge (Yuriy83)
abbr., textile Color Measurement Committee; critical micelle concentration value
abbr., tradem. Carlsberg Meridian Catalogue
metrol. Calibration and Measurement Capabilities (carp)
mil. command meteorological center
mil., abbr. Cheyenne mountain complex; combined movements center; command management center; communications mode control; communications monitoring center; complete missile container
tech. core monitoring computer
tech., abbr. compensation for methods change; component modification card; computer-mediated communications; crew module computer
cmc abbr.
abbr. centimetre, cubic
abbr., oil centimetre cubic; critical micellar concentration
CMc abbr.
abbr., soil. calcaric cambisol
Cmc abbr.
abbr., mil. midpoint compromise coverage factor
: 16 phrases in 10 subjects
Food service and catering2
Oil / petroleum2
Pharmacy and pharmacology1
SAP tech.1