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CDP abbr.stresses
gen. тракт данных кэш-памяти
account. этап выработки основных положений контракта (contract definition phase)
cook. повар (Chef de Partie pelipejchenko)
geophys. ОГТ
Gruzovik, econ. Комитет по планированию развития ООН (Committee for Development Planning; функционирует с 1965 г.; входят представители 24 государств, назначаемые ЭКОСОС ООН персонально сроком на три года; даёт оценку деятельности ООН и специализированных учреждений по проблемам планирования экономического развития; место ежегодных сессий – Нью-Йорк); Уполномоченный по военным закупкам МО Великобритания (Chief of Defense Procurement); этап выработки главных положений контракта (contract definition phase)
Gruzovik, mil. всеобъемлющий план разоружения (comprehensive disarmament plan)
Gruzovik, polit. всеобъемлющая программа разоружения (Comprehensive Disarmament Program)
house. проигрыватель компакт-дисков
HR Программа по наращиванию потенциала (Capacity Development Program OlCher)
life.sc. ПКИ (Clinical Development Programme; Программа Клинических Исследований elena.sklyarova1985)
O&G критическое давление десорбции (critical desorption pressure tat-konovalova); общая глубинная точка (ОГТ; источник: словарь Извекова)
O&G, casp. план карьерного роста (Yeldar Azanbayev)
oil ОГТ (общая глубинная точка; источник: словарь Извекова)
sec.sys. точки размещения сертификатов (Certificate Distribution Point Трунов Влас)
cdp abbr.
avia. давление за компрессором
 English thesaurus
CDP abbr.
abbr. Census Defined Place; Community Development Plan; Census-designated place (тип местности, термин United States Census Bureau gangsta); central data processor; comprehensive disarmament plan; comprehensive disarmament programme; continental drilling project
abbr., adv. consumer decision-making process
abbr., anim.husb. cytidine diphophate
abbr., auto. Compact Disc Player (translator911)
abbr., automat. circular diametral pitch
abbr., avia. Charles David Pierce (CDP is an unstructured finite-volume-based CFD code designed for large eddy simulation (LES) on potentially very large grids using parallel computers. CDP is named after the late Charles David Pierce (1969-2002) who made several lasting contributions to the LES of reacting flows and to Stanford's ASC center. bonly); compressor discharge pressure (Interex); cockpit data printer; cost definition phase; color demonstration processor; concept demonstration phase; customer data page
abbr., bank. Certification Documentation Package (Mag A)
abbr., BrE Chief of Defence Procurement
abbr., busin. Characteristics-Dependent Planning (Egorr)
abbr., chem. cystine diphosphate
abbr., comp. Certificate in Data Processing (Vosoni)
abbr., comp., net. communication data processor
abbr., comp., net., IT Cisco Discovery Protocol
abbr., demogr. calorie-deficit population
abbr., earth.sc. common datum point; common depth point horizontal stacking; computer data processors; continental drilling program; cresyl diphenyl phosphate; Crustal Dynamics Project
abbr., el. certified data processor; commercial data processing; communications data processor; connector development platform; customer data processing
abbr., el., scient. Constant Dipole Panels
abbr., file.ext. Certificate In Data Processing (First certification for Computer Professionals)
abbr., foreig.aff. Committee for Development Planning
abbr., genet. constitutional delay of puberty
abbr., geophys. CMP (MichaelBurov); common middle point (MichaelBurov)
abbr., IT Composers Desktop Project; compound document processor; Continuous data protection (Hache); cache data path
abbr., manag. cost of deferred production
abbr., math. conventional dynamic programming
abbr., med. Cancer Detection And Prevention (periodical); Collagenase-digestible Protein; Chronic Disease Prevention (gorbulenko); confirmed disability progression (Valery Borisov); cytidine 5' diphosphate; Committee for Development Planning of the Economic and Social Council; communicable diseases prevention and control; coronary drug project
abbr., med.appl. continuous distending pressure (harser)
abbr., mil. Combat Development Process; Custom Defense Package; commander's dissemination policy; landing craft air cushion departure point
abbr., mil., avia. capability development plan
abbr., mil., WMD Chemical Demilitarization Program; concept design program
abbr., O&G continuous profiling (MichaelBurov); common depth point (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil central delivery point; conductivity derived porosity; common depth point seismic; cation dyeable polyester; channel deposit proportion; coast down phenomenon; composite data processing; composite drillpipe; correlated data processor; critical drawdown pressure; crosslinked dextran polymer
abbr., pharma. Comparative Dissolution Profile (Dariy)
abbr., physiol., med. Collagenase Digestible Protein
abbr., plast. cresyl diphenyl phophate
abbr., polym. cresyl diphenyl phosphate (P)
abbr., scient. corona discharge photography (Yanamahan)
abbr., scottish Canadian Dry Pin (Type of tank track); Contract-Definition Phase
abbr., space cartographic digitizing plotter; celestial data processor; centralized data processing; command data processor; counter measures dispenser pod
abbr., sport. Coach Death Penalty
abbr., st.exch. Consolidated Papers, Inc.
abbr., tax. collection due proces (источник - https://www.irs.gov/Russian/Споры-в-связи-с-взысканием-средств dimock); collection due process (источник - https://www.irs.gov/Russian/Споры-в-связи-с-взысканием-средств dimock)
abbr., tech. compressed discharge pressure
abbr., UN, geol. common depth point
ecol., abbr. climate data program
energ.ind., abbr. compressor discharge bleed air port; condensate pump discharge
med., abbr. cytidine diphosphate
mil. company distributing point
mil., abbr. camouflage detection photography; career development program; central distribution panel; combat development project; concept definition proposal; contract definition phase; contract definition plan; contract definition procedure; control and display panel; cost data plan; countermeasures dispenser pod; critical decision point
tech. cask decontamination pit
tech., abbr. checkout data processor; control data panel; core damage probability
: 72 phrases in 12 subjects
Energy industry1
Oil / petroleum1
Oil and gas1
Oil processing plants1
United Nations2