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CCD abbr.stresses
abbr. схема расположения кабелей (cable circuit diagram Дюнан)
beekeep. неожиданный крах колоний (MichaelBurov); синдром краха колонии пчёл (MichaelBurov); синдром краха колонии (MichaelBurov)
biochem. полностью химически определенный (VladStrannik)
cardiol. нарушение проводимости сердца (MichaelBurov); нарушение сердечной проводимости (MichaelBurov)
chem. противоточная декантация (Karabas)
chromat. детектор Коулсона (Wakeful dormouse)
construct. ОКС (Отдел Капитального Строительства Oxy_jan)
fin. Концентрация и выплата денежных средств (Cash concentration and disbursement paymentvision.com BCN); Корпоративный кредит или дебет (Corporate Credit or Debit BCN)
goldmin. противоточная декантация (Knop)
Gruzovik, econ. Центр по определению цен США (Cost Center Determination)
house. прибор с зарядовой связью
IT устройство с зарядной связью
Makarov. детектор с зарядовой связью; устройства с зарядовой связью
med. шеечно-диафизарный угол (caput-collum-diaphyseal angle Verusia)
microel. ПЗС
oil глубина, на которой зацементирована обсадная колонна (casing cemented depth); карта причин и последствий (отказов; cause-consequence diagram)
opt. ПЗС-матрица (MichaelBurov); полупроводниковый приёмник света (MichaelBurov)
tech. центральное устройство управления (central control device Sloneno4eg)
CCD charge-coupled device abbr.
polygr. светодиод, светочувствительный элемент на микрочипах, применяемый в устройствах сканирования изображений для преобразования света в электрический заряд (Voledemar)
 English thesaurus
CCD abbr.
abbr. cold cathode discharge; charge-couple device; Calcite Compensation Depth; Closet Cross Dresser; central command decoder
abbr., astronaut. cold cloud duration maps
abbr., auto. Combustion Chamber Deposit (I. Havkin); Chrysler collision detection; computer controlled dwell; changer compact disc
abbr., avia. Coherent Change Detection (semfromshire); charged coupled device; color control drawing; cursor control device; customer configuration definition; camera; change control determine; cockpit central display; color control drawings; comparator course data; compressed cushion datum; configuration control data; constants change display
abbr., beekeep. colony collapse disorder (MichaelBurov); CCD; syndrome d'effondrement des colonies d'abeilles; syndrome d'effondrement des colonies
abbr., BrE city civil defence director
abbr., cardiol. cardiac conduction defect (MichaelBurov); cardiac conduction disorder (MichaelBurov); cardiac conduction disease (MichaelBurov); heart conduction disorder (MichaelBurov)
abbr., clim. cold cloud duration
abbr., commer. Category Code Directory
abbr., commun. Charge Couple Device; constant call delay
abbr., comp. charge-coupled devices
abbr., comp., IT Charged Coupled Devices
abbr., earth.sc. Coast Conservation Department (US)
abbr., ecol. Convention to Combat Desertification
abbr., ed. Community Cultural Development
abbr., el. call clearing delay; cash concentration and disbursement; cell current density; central composite design; charge carrier device; charge-coupled shift register device; closed caption decoder; close-coupled device; closed-circuit device; complementary coded decimal; configuration coordinate diagram; consolidated cab display; countercurrent distribution; common channel distributor
abbr., el., scient. Component Coupling Diagram; Controlled Current Distribution
abbr., electr.eng. contingency constrained dispatch
abbr., fin. Committee for Commerce and Distribution
abbr., geol., scient. Carbonate Compensation Depth
abbr., goldmin. counter-current decantation (MichaelBurov)
abbr., IT Cell Copying Database; core current driver
abbr., lab.eq. Control of Cell Death
abbr., med. Childhood Celiac Disease; Consortium For Citizens With Disabilities; Continuity of Care Document (HL7 harser); chemical composition distribution; cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants (Анастасия Беляева)
abbr., med.appl. Convergent Color Doppler (УЗИ harser)
abbr., media. Common Core Data; conductively-connected charge-coupled device
abbr., mil. Camouflage, Concealment, and Deception; Configuration Control Document; Closed-Cycle Diesel (e.g., submarine propulsion); camouflage, concealment, and deception
abbr., mil., avia. capability concept demonstrator
abbr., mil., BrE county civil defence director
abbr., mil., WMD charge coupling device
abbr., nano single-electron charged-coupled device; charged-coupled device
abbr., O&G, sakh. Customs Cargo Declaration (Sakhalin Energy)
abbr., ocean. calcite compensation depth (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil calcium compensation depth; catalytic combustion detector; causes-consequence diagram; circumscribing circle diameter; Condensed Chemical Dictionary; continuous counter-current decantation; copolymer composition distribution; counter-current distribution
abbr., opt. charge coupled device (MichaelBurov)
abbr., org.name. Convention to Combat Desertification in those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, particularly in Africa
abbr., photo. charge-coupled device (MichaelBurov)
abbr., product. central committee of development (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., rel., cath., rel., christ. Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (catechesis program of the Catholic Church, normally for children wikipedia.org Shabe)
abbr., scient. Camera Charging Device
abbr., scottish Camouflage, Concealment & Deception; Command & Control Display
abbr., space camera CCD
abbr., tech. charge-coupled device
abbr., textile collection of customs duty
abbr., UN charge-coupled device
abbr., well.contr. center-to-center distance
energ.ind., abbr. closed-cycle drying; continuous decantation; corona current density; countercurrent decantation; credit cards details
mil. collection control directive
mil., abbr. checkout command decoder; combat center director; command and control director; command control/destruct; command destruct decoder; commander of coast defenses; configuration change directive; construction completion date; control change date; cover, concealment and deception; cratering demolition device
tech. casing cemented depth
tech., abbr. cable circuit diagram; cause-consequence diagram; charge carrier density; charge carrier depletion; check character dead track; coarse control damper; cold-cathode discharge; computer controlled display; corona current detector; custom circuit design
ccd abbr.
abbr. computer-controlled display
: 201 phrase in 26 subjects
Aluminium industry2
Automated equipment3
Household appliances3
Information technology4
Mass media31
Medical appliances1
Optics branch of physics3
Security systems4