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CCC abbr.stresses
gen. ССС (1. A credit rating used by the S&P and Fitch credit agencies for long-term bonds and some other investments. It is equivalent to the CAA rating used by Moody's. A CCC rating represents an extremely high risk bond or investment; banks are not allowed to invest in CCC rated bonds. CCC bonds are junk bonds. 2. Cash conversion cycle. The time between an expenditure of money to make a product and the collection of accounts receivable from the sale of that product. Obviously, a shorter cash conversion cycle is preferable. A longer cash conversion cycle may indicate a current or potential problem with cash flow. Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Alexander Demidov); Совет по таможенному сотрудничеству; Китайская обязательная сертификация (China Compulsory Certification koh777); обязательная сертификация в Китае (China Compulsory Certification koh777); контроль, управление и связь (Command, Control and Communications Шакиров)
auto. Ассоциация по разработке стандартов в области подключения мобильных телефонов к системам автомобиля (Car Connectivity Consortium; официальный сайт: mirrorlink.com MacGowan)
bank. Корпорация подтоварного кредита (в США; Commodity Credit Corporation); безналичные расчёты между провинциальными банками (country check clearing)
comp., net. контроль когерентности кэша
energ.ind. оплата потреблённого топлива (MichaelBurov); стоимость потреблённого топлива (MichaelBurov)
genet. ковалентно замкнутое кольцо (двухцепочечная молекула ДНК, не имеющая свободных концов; полная "замкнутость" CCC сохраняется даже после денатурации, в нативной форме CCC может быть суперскрученым dimock)
Gruzovik, econ. коммерческая кредитная компания (commercial credit company); Государственная товарно-кредитная корпорация США (Commodity Credit Corporation; создана в 1983 г.; цель – регулирование и финансирование программ стабилизации цен и производств, осуществляемых Министерством с.-х. США)
Gruzovik, mil. командование, управление, и связь (command, control, and communications); центр командования и управления (Command and Control Center)
Gruzovik, polit. Совет по взаимодействию таможен (Customs Cooperation Council; образован в 1950 г. (Брюссель, Бельгия))
IT Центр по проверке авторских прав США
O&G, casp. регулятор режима компрессоров (Yeldar Azanbayev)
oil карта причин и последствий (отказов; cause-consequence chart)
oncol. циркулирующие опухолевые клетки (Circulating Cancer Cells Ying); холангиоцеллюлярная карцинома (cholangiocellular carcinoma Ying)
ophtalm. капсулорексис (capsulorrhexis SchroedingerCat)
relig. Канадский Совет Церквей
SAP. ЦКК (Центр компетенции клиента; Customer Competence Center IForRi)
SAP.tech. центр компетенции клиента
tech. хроматирование (chromate conversion coating nikborovik)
telecom. Вызов с использованием кредитной карты (Georgy Moiseenko)
 English thesaurus
CCC abbr.
abbr. China Compulsory Certification; Customer Contact Center; Capabilities Coordination Cell; certificate changed (Yuriy83); Command, Control, and Communications (sometimes C^3); Concourse Computer Center (MIT); Corps Computer Centers (TOS); chips carried by cards; computer controlled character; calcium cyanamide citrate; Canadian Commercial Corp.; Caribbean Conservation Commission; carrier current communication; Catalytic Construction Corp.; Chemical Construction Corp.; Commodity Credit Corp.; Cube Connected Cycles (MP); chlormequat; cycocel
abbr., agric. chlorcholine chloride
abbr., astronaut. consolidated control center (объединенный центр управления Yakov)
abbr., auto. computer command control system (GM); converter clutch control; Certificate for China Compulsory Product; Certificate for China Compulsory Product Certification; climate control center
abbr., avia. chemical conversion coating (Interex); components chance cards (Interex); crash crew cart (Interex); crash crew chart (Interex); configuration change control; class and code catalog; color code chart; command, control and communication; communications/command and control; component change card; compressor clearance control; computer communication console; computer control corporation; configuration control committee; console control circuits; customer change committee
abbr., bank. cash conversion cycle (In management accounting, the cash conversion cycle (CCC) measures how long a firm will be deprived of cash if it increases its investment in resources in order to expand customer sales. It is thus a measure of the liquidity risk entailed by growth. However, shortening the CCC creates its own risks: while a firm could even achieve a negative CCC by collecting from customers before paying suppliers, a policy of strict collections and lax payments is not always sustainable (WK) Alexander Demidov)
abbr., biol. covalently closed circular; cycocel, chloroethyl trimethyl-ammonium chloride
abbr., busin. care custody and control; Capacity, Capital, Character; Competition and Credit Control
abbr., cartogr. Civil Conservation Corps
abbr., chem. counter-current chromatography
abbr., combust. Commissioning Clearance Certificate (акт о завершении пуско-наладочных работ rafail)
abbr., commer. Canadian Chamber of Commerce; Customs Convention on Containers
abbr., comp. common channel control
abbr., comp., net. cache coherency check
abbr., crick. Club Cricket Conference
abbr., cyc.sport Chinese Cycling Club
abbr., desert. chlormequat chloride
abbr., disast. customer control center (Georgy Moiseenko)
abbr., earth.sc. Caribbean Conservation Corporation (US); continuous countercurrent; counts corrected for coincidence; cubic clustering criterion; cyathidites-callialasporites-classopollis
abbr., econ. commodity credit corporation; cargo carrying capacity
abbr., ed. Correspondence Cum Contact (Johnny Bravo)
abbr., ed., scient. Coast Community College
abbr., el. call control character; call control cluster; capacitor coupled clamp; carrier current communications; central channel controller; central communication controller; centralized circuit control; channel control circuit; Chinese character controller; Chinese civil code; cleaved coupled cavity; clipper cross correlation; color cell compression; command, control and communications; communication control character; communication control console; computer command control; console communication control; constant current consumption; contour correction circuit; control counter control; corrugated capacitor cell; cube-connected cycle network
abbr., energ.ind. fuel consumption bill (MichaelBurov)
abbr., environ. California Conservation Corps
abbr., EU. Community Customs Code (igisheva); consumers Consultative Committee
abbr., file.ext. Central Computational Computer
abbr., fin. Customs Co-operation Council; Customs Code Committee; Consumers’ Consultative Committee
abbr., industr. China Compulsory product Certificate (Sagoto)
abbr., IT Clear Channel Capability
abbr., lab.eq. Catalyst Control Center
abbr., law Criminal Code of Canada (ckasey78)
abbr., manag. current contract contingency
abbr., mater.sc. carbon-carbon composite (igisheva)
abbr., math. collapsed cone convolution (harser)
abbr., med. Canadian Cardiovascular Coalition (study); Cancer Causes & Control (periodical); Child Care Center; continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis (Natalya Rovina); cathodal closure contraction; chronic calculus cholecystitis; comprehensive cancer center; comprehensive care clinic; Council on Clinical Cardiology; critical care complex
abbr., met. centrifugal continuous casting; curved continuous caster
abbr., mil. CINC Command Complex; coalition coordination cell; coalition coordination center; crisis coordination center; critical control circuit; cross- cultural communications course; Crisis Coordination Cell
abbr., mil., air.def. command communication console; cyclic cross-correlation
abbr., mil., avia. Cape Control Center
abbr., mil., WMD Central Control Console
abbr., O&G Change Control Committee (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, casp. Consolidated Contractors Company (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. compressor controls corporation
abbr., O&G, tengiz. Chevron Chemical Company (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., oil cable communication cartridge; California Coastal Commission; Carbide Chemical Corporation; classified catalog code; communication control center; Consolidated Contractors International Co.; coordinate conversion computer; Copyright Clearance Center; correction code check; critical coagulation concentration
abbr., org.name. Caribbean Conference of Churches; Corporate Communication Committee; communication culture
abbr., physiol. Certificate of Clinical Competency
abbr., physiol., med. Certificate Of Clinical Competence
abbr., post Classification Currents Communicator (newsletter); Corporate Customer Contact
abbr., psychiat. Citrated calcium carbamide
abbr., relig. Campus Crusade For Christ
abbr., scottish Canadian Commercial Corporation; Crisis Co-ordination Center (US Secretary of Defense)
abbr., space camera controller combiner; center control console; central communications controller; central control complex; combustible cartridge case; communications control complex; computer communication converter; computer control communication; Customer Coordination Center
abbr., sport. Chaos Computer Club
abbr., st.exch. Calgon Carbon Corporation
abbr., tech. compressor combustor casing (IgBar); chromate conversion coating (nikborovik)
abbr., telecom. cost center codes (vlad-and-slav); customer care center; credit card calling
abbr., textile Customs Clearance Certificate
abbr., tradem. Caribbean Conservation Corporation
abbr., transp. Camaro Custom Club
abbr., UN configuration control board
abbr., UN, sl., drug. customs cooperation council
el., abbr. Ceramic chip carrier
genet. covalently closed circle (dimock)
insur., abbr. care, custody and control
invest., abbr. country check clearing
mil., abbr. ceasefire control commission; central computer center; central computer complex; classified control clerk; combat control center; combined coordinating committee; command and control center; command control console; command, control, and communications; communications center console; communications control center; communications control console; complex control center; component change control
tech., abbr. capacitor-coupled clamp; cause-consequence chart; chlorocholine chloride; closed-cycle cooler; command control center; common control circuit; communications channel capacity; computer communications console; computer communications converter; controller checkout console; cross-current conductance; cyclic check character; cycocel 2-chloroethyl trimethyl-ammonium chloride
CCCS abbr.
abbr., el. China compulsory certification (safe)
ccc abbr.
abbr., el. community coordination center
CCCC abbr.
abbr. Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corp.
CCCS&E abbr.
abbr., el. China compulsory certification (safe and EMC)
: 5 phrases in 5 subjects
Combustion gas turbines1