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BCS abbr.stresses
gen. бакалавр коммерции
abbr. БХС (base chronometric station; Базовая Хронометрическая Станция KaKaO)
astronaut. британское общество вычислительной техники
automat. Британское общество керамической отрасли (сокр. от British Ceramic Society ssn)
comp., net. контрольная последовательность блока данных
energ.ind. Система Шариковой Очистки (bobmarley)
fin. Система пакетного клиринга (trancer)
Gruzovik, econ. система связи, обслуживающая предпринимателей (business communications service; работает через компанию British Telecommunications International)
Gruzovik, scient. структура со скрытым каналом (buried-channel structure)
IT базовая структура каталога
law ДКСдожимная компрессорная станция (booster compressor station Alexander Demidov)
ling. БХС (Anglophile)
med. органосохраняющая секторальная резекция молочной железы (Breast Conserving Surgery innainnainna5)
O&G подпорная компрессорная станция (MichaelBurov); ДКС (MichaelBurov); дожимная компрессорная станция (MichaelBurov); передаточная компрессорная станция (MichaelBurov)
O&G. tech. ДНС (MichaelBurov); дожимная насосная станция (MichaelBurov); ДКУ (MichaelBurov)
pharm. БСК (Биофармацевтическая система классификации eugeene1979); Биофармацевтическая система классификации (wolferine)
phys. БКШ-теория (MichaelBurov); теория БКШ (MichaelBurov); БКШ (MichaelBurov); теория сверхпроводимости Бардина-Купера-Шриффера (MichaelBurov)
toxicol. компания Bayer CropScience AG (MichaelBurov)
vet.med. оценка состояния тела (Body Condition Score irinaloza23)
 English thesaurus
BCS abbr.
abbr. barcode sorter; Bethany Christian Services; Bowl Championship System; Bowl Confusion Series; Bachelor of Chemical Science; Badgers Crush Stanford; Balfour Collegiate Student; Banking Communication Standard (Banking); Basketball Championship Showdown; Battery Command System; Bay City Michigan Schools; Baylor's Conference Schedule; Beat Cal Stupid; Because Carolina Should; Because Cincinnati Stinks; Best Choice Selected; Better Check The Standings; Biased Corrupt Stupid; Big Convoluted System; Big Country Squadron; Big Crappy Shit; battle cruiser squadron; Big Crappy System; Big Crock Of Shit; Big Crock Of Stuff; Biggest Crock Of Stuff; Binary Compatibility Standard; Biopharmaceutical Classification System (Биофармацевтический классификатор vonzeppelin); Blame Coach Snyder; Block Check Sequenz (GPRS, GSM, Mobile-Systems); Blown Championship Suckers; Bonkers Crazy Scary; Boston Computer Society; Botched Cornhusker Selection; Bouncing Cookie Stars; Bowden Counting System; Bowl Crap Shoot; Boy, The Cornhuskers Suck; Brilliant Caring Spectacular; Bring Cash, Suckers; Bull Crap Shit; Bull Crap Solution; Bull Crap Standings; Bull Crap Stuff; Bull Crap System; Bullshit Championship Series; Bullshit Controversy System; Bumbling Crappy System; The Bowl Crap Series
abbr., agric. body condition score (julievo)
abbr., auto. battery charging system; booster compensation stopper
abbr., automat. breakage control system
abbr., avia. baseline comparison; beam control system; Boeing computer services; bombing computer set; brake control system
abbr., busin. Banking Communication System
abbr., comp. Basic Catalogue Structure (Vosoni)
abbr., comp., net. basic catalog structure; block checking sequence
abbr., comp., net., IT Block Closure Semantics
abbr., earth.sc. Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory; bent crystal spectrometer; borehole compensated sonic; British Cartographic Society; Bayesian Correlation Score
abbr., econ. Bachelor of Commercial Science (Vosoni)
abbr., ed., scient. Bowl Championship Series
abbr., el. basic control system; bar code scanner; baseband coaxial system; basic carrier service; basic communications support; battlefield communications system; BC clear to send; belief computation system; boundary control stabilization; Bragg confining structure; bridge control system; buffer chip select; buried convex waveguide structure; buried crescent structure; bus control signal; business communications server; business communications system; business customer services; burner control system
abbr., el., scient. Bardeen Cooper Schriefer
abbr., file.ext. Bar Code Sorter; British Computing Society
abbr., fin. Bulk Clearing System (trancer)
abbr., IT Baseline Configuration System; Basic Catalog Structure; Basic Combined Subset; British Computer Society (GB); Business Computer System; Windows95 Browse information; Backplane Communication Services
abbr., ling. Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian (Anglophile)
abbr., med. Battered Child Syndrome; Blood Cell Separator; Breast Cancer Screening; Breast Conservation Surgery; British Cardiac Society; British Cardiovascular Society; Budd-Chiari Syndrome; breast cancer screening (xand); Budd-Chiari syndrome (Игорь_2006)
abbr., mil. Baseline Comparison System; Basic Combined Set; Battery Computer System; Broadcast Control Site; Buoy Camera System
abbr., mil., avia. ballistic control system
abbr., mil., WMD Bulk chemical storage
abbr., O&G booster compressor station (MichaelBurov); boosting compressor station (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G. tech. booster pipeline pumping station (MichaelBurov); booster pump station (MichaelBurov); BPPS (MichaelBurov); BPS (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil borehole compensated sonic log; balanced cross-section; before calibration summary; block control system; borehole compensated sonic (log); British Chemical Standard; broadband cable system
abbr., pharma. Biopharmaceutics Classification System (igisheva)
abbr., phys. Bardin-Cooper-Schrieffer theory (MichaelBurov); BCS superconductivity theory (MichaelBurov); BCS theory of superconductivity (MichaelBurov)
abbr., police British Crime Survey
abbr., polym. both-coated sides
abbr., scient. Bachelor of Computer Science
abbr., scottish Ballistic Computer System; Battalion Casualty Station; British Calibration Service; Broadcast Control Segment
abbr., silic. British Ceramic Society
abbr., softw. Business Critical Services (Symantec gconnell)
abbr., space biocomputer statistics; bulk capacity storage
abbr., sport. Bowden Championship Series
abbr., st.exch. Barclays, P. L. C.
abbr., tech. bridge control station
abbr., tradem. Brown Composition Systems; Business Computer Solutions
abbr., transp. Best Climb Speed; Border Cargo Selectivity
energ.ind. boron control system
mil. backup control system; basic contract specifications; battery commander's station; battery computer system; battlefield computer system; battlefield control system; beam communications set; broadcast control station
tech. blip counter system; block check sequence; block control signal; blowdown cleanup system; Bragg crystal spectrometer; broadcast communications system; broadcasting station; buried channel structure; burst communications system
BCs abbr.
abbr., med. beta cells
bcs abbr.
abbr., busin. because
: 36 phrases in 11 subjects
Oil and gas2
Pharmacy and pharmacology2
Quantum mechanics10