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academic ['ækə'demɪk] nstresses
gen. преподаватель (именно вуза: The research company was founded by a group of academics from Stockholm University. cambridge.org Shabe); академик; преподаватель высшего учебного заведения; профессор или научный сотрудник вуза (An academic is a person who works as a teacher or researcher at a university or other higher education institution. Academic administrators such as university presidents are not typically included in this use of the term academic, although many administrators hold advanced degrees and pursue scholarly research and writing while also tending to their administrative duties. Alexander Demidov); научный сотрудник высшего учебного заведения; научный сотрудник высшего учебного заведения (В.И.Макаров); профессор высшего учебного заведения (В.И.Макаров); профессор; преподаватель или научный сотрудник колледжа или университета (В.И.Макаров); оторванный от практики (В.И.Макаров); педагог (в контексте: Mr. McFaul, an academic by training and a political appointee, had never served as an ambassador before. washingtontimes.com); гуманитарий (it's not an academic or a techie exercise. bimplus.co.uk DianaZh); учёный (Olya34)
Игорь Миг работник системы высшего образования
ed. учёный (Christopher Jenkins is an academic with a PhD in mathematics. ART Vancouver)
obs. член академии
Academic ['ækə'demɪk] n
philos., hist. сторонник школы Платона; платонист; последователь философии Платона
academic ['ækə'demɪk] adj.
gen. академический; научный; учебный; теоретический; формальный; академичный; университетский; научно-педагогический (In the United States, the term academic is approximately synonymous with that of the job title professor although in recent decades a growing number of institutions include librarians in the category of "academic staff." Alexander Demidov); научно-образовательный (relating to education and scholarship. COED Alexander Demidov); педагогический; отвлечённый; официальный (MichaelBurov); из научных кругов (A.Rezvov); незначительный ("The performance improvements of the i7-6700K over i7-3770K are largely academic." joyand)
fig. чисто теоретический (В.И.Макаров); праздный (В.И.Макаров); схоластический (В.И.Макаров); не имеющий никакого практического значения (о вопросе и т. п.); условный; формалистический; незначительный (having little practical use or value, as by being overly detailed, unengaging, or theoretical: having no practical importance: 'The performance improvements of the i7-6700K over i7-3770K are largely academic.' joyand)
Gruzovik, fig. нереальный (unpractical); неактуальный (unpractical); кабинетный (unpractical)
Makarov. канонический; относящийся к академии; традиционный; оторванный от реальной жизни; педантичный; проявляющий мелочную точность в пустяковых делах; хорошо успевающий в учёбе
med. учебный (в применении к вузам)
scient. фундаментальный (о науке I. Havkin); гуманитарный (об образовании I. Havkin)
univer. вузовский (Andrey Truhachev); университетский (Andrey Truhachev)
Academic ['ækə'demɪk] adj.
philos., hist. платонический (относящийся к учению Платона); относящийся к учению Платона
 English thesaurus
academic ['ækə'demɪk] n
archit. study of humanities topics rather than science and engineering (wiktionary.org)
ACADEMIC ['ækə'demɪk] abbr.
abbr., med. Azithromycin In Coronary Artery Disease Elimination Of Myocardial Infection With Chlamydia (study)
academic ['ækə'demɪk] adj.
gen. having little practical use or value, as by being overly detailed, unengaging, or theoretical (by ext., having no practical importance: As a general matter, we will not consider a protest where the issue presented has no practical consequences with regard to an existing federal government procurement, and thus is of purely academic interest. • For the majority of owners, its four-wheel-drive endeavours will be of purely academic interest. • The question of how many weapons are required for credible deterrence against India is purely academic. wiktionary.org); theoretical or speculative, abstract, scholarly, literary or classical (in distinction to practical or vocational; from late 19th century: I have always had an academic interest in hacking. wiktionary.org); having a love of or aptitude for learning (I'm more academic than athletic — I get lower marks in phys. ed. than in anything else. wiktionary.org)
archit. subscribing to the architectural standards of Vitruvius (wiktionary.org)
arts. conforming to set rules and traditions, conventional, formalistic (from late 19th century wiktionary.org)
disappr. so scholarly as to be unaware of the outside world (wiktionary.org); lacking in worldliness (wiktionary.org)
ed. belonging to an academy or other higher institution of learning, also a scholarly society or organization (from late 16th century: academic courses • academic study wiktionary.org)
philos., hist. belonging to the school or philosophy of Plato (from late 16th century: the academic sect of philosophy wiktionary.org)
Academic vocabulary is designed to accompany a reading text at the highest reading level . Readings
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