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AOB abbr.stresses
account. любые другие вопросы (any other business); прочие вопросы (any other business)
Gruzovik, mil. передовая оперативная база (advanced operational base)
med. содержание алкоголя в выдыхаемом воздухе (alcohol on breath mazurov)
microbiol. БОА (ammonium oxidizing bacteria – бактерии-окислители аммония shergilov)
 English thesaurus
AOB abbr.
abbr. Angels Of Blind; A Address Old Business; All On A Bitch; aircraft observer
abbr., avia. air operations building; aircraft operation board; all overseas base; at or below ...
abbr., busin. angle of band; any one bottom; at or below
abbr., earth.sc. alkali olivine basalt
abbr., el. adder output buffer; address output bus
abbr., foreig.aff. any other business
abbr., inet. Address Old Business
abbr., logist. as on board
abbr., med. Acta Orthopaedica Belgica; Alcohol On Board; Australasian Orthodontic Board
abbr., mil. Air Order of Battle; Approved Operating Budget; aviation operations branch
abbr., multimed. audio object
abbr., oil angle of beam
abbr., pharm. anti oxidant biofactor
abbr., physiol. Alcohol On Breath
abbr., physiol., med. Alcohol on breath
abbr., scottish Aircraft Observer, Bombardment; Angle Of Bank; Arctic Ocean Buoy; Automatic Optical test-Bench
abbr., tech. Air order of battle
abbr., tradem. Any Other Business
mil. advanced operational base; air observer; air order of battle; aircraft operations board; alternate operating base; angle on the bow; annual operating budget; approved operating budget; armored ordnance battalion
tech. adder output bus
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