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AFP abbr.stresses
abbr. Агентство Франс-Пресс (Agence France-Presse (French press agency) ninozemtseva)
comp., net. файловый протокол AppleTalk
construct. одобренно для планирования (approved for planning rakhmat)
dril. среднее давление при заводнении (average flowing pressure); среднее давление при откачке (average flowing pressure)
Gruzovik, econ. ежегодная программа финансирования ВС США (Annual Funding Program)
Gruzovik, polit. Американская федерация полицейских (American Federation of Police)
IT принтер с расширенными функциональными возможностями
med. альфа-фетопротеин (ADol)
O&G утверждено для закупки (approved for purchase Bogotano)
oil среднее гидродинамическое давление (average flowing pressure); среднее давление на выкиде (average flowing pressure); среднее давление при откачке (или заводнении)
polym. AFP-станок (MichaelBurov); автоматическая выкладка нитей (MichaelBurov); станок для автоматической выкладки нитей (MichaelBurov); автоматизированная выкладка волокна (MichaelBurov)
 English thesaurus
AFP abbr.
abbr. Abnormalize Floating Point; Adiabatic Fast Passage; Advanced Function Presentation (IBM); Advanced Function Printing; Agence France Press; Air Force Pamphlet; Air Force Pilot; Air Force Program; Air Force Publication; American Federation of Police; Analyst Private File; Appletalk File Protocol; Armed Forces Police; Associate Financial Planner; United Capital Corporation; auxiliary feed-water pump
abbr., adv. Agence Francaise de Press
abbr., anim.husb. a-fetoprotein
abbr., austral. Australian Federal Police (4uzhoj)
abbr., auto. alcohol fuel percentage (translator911)
abbr., avia. Area Forecast Panel; Airspace Flow Program; ATC flight plan; actuator fuel pump; Agency France Press; annunciation and failure processing; association for finishing processes; automated fire power; axial flow propeller
abbr., biotechn. Aequoria fluorescent protein (Altuntash)
abbr., comp. Advanced Functions Printer (Vosoni); automatic floating point
abbr., comp., net. AppleTalk filing protocol
abbr., desert. air filled porosity
abbr., el. AppleTalk filing protocol; advanced firmware package; advanced flexible processor; automatic field-phasing; automatic float point; auxiliary feedwater pump
abbr., file.ext. Shape palette (ABC FlowCharter)
abbr., IT Advanced Function Printer
abbr., lab.eq. Alpha-FetoProtein; Always False Positive
abbr., life.sc. ɑ-fetoprotein
abbr., med. Acute Flaccid Paralysis; Alpha-fetoprotein; Anterior Faucial Pillar; Atypical Facial Pain; American Family Physician (periodical); Association Française Des Polyarthritiques; alpha-fetoprotein; alpha-1 fetoprotein
abbr., media. Agence France-Presse (ninozemtseva)
abbr., mil., avia. acceleration along flight path
abbr., mil., WMD award for plan
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Active Fire Protection
abbr., oil average flowing pressure; abnormal formation pressure; automatic fuzzy picking; auxiliary function parameter
abbr., oncol. AlphaFetoProtein
abbr., physiol. Alpha FetoProtein; α-fetoprotein
abbr., polym. advanced fiber placement (MichaelBurov); AFP machine (MichaelBurov); AFP technology (MichaelBurov); automated fiber placement (MichaelBurov); automated fiber placement machine (MichaelBurov)
abbr., post Advanced Flats Processor (USPS, on hold 2009); Association for Financial Professionals
abbr., scottish Arbeitsgemeinschaft Flughafen Planung (Germany); Armed Forces of the Philippines
abbr., shipb. approval for full production
abbr., space acceleration along flight path; alternative flight plan
abbr., textile Association of Flock Processors
mil. Air Force plant; alternate flight plan; assault fire platoon; authority for purchase; automatic fire power
tech. auxiliary feed pump
ɑ-AFP abbr.
abbr., life.sc. alphafoetoprotein
AFP+ abbr.
abbr., scottish Assault Fire Platoon Plus
: 12 phrases in 4 subjects
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