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ACCP abbr.stresses
med. Американский Колледж Клинической Фармакологии (American College of Clinical Pharmacology electrocat)
shipb. машинная программа для контроля и координации проектных работ по компоновке корабля (сокр от arrangement control computer program Углов)
 English thesaurus
ACCP abbr.
abbr. Aptech Certified Computer Professional; Association for the Cause of Cancer of the Prostate; American College of Chest Physicians (Американская корпорация врачей — специалистов по заболеваниям грудной полости Углов); Association for the Cure of Cancer of the Prostate
abbr., agric. Agricultural Chemical Cleanup Program
abbr., avia. area control code position; automatic configuration control processor
abbr., chem., scient. Accelerated Canopy Chemistry Program; Atmospheric Climate Chemistry Program
abbr., environ. Adirondack Communities and Conservation Program
abbr., med. American College Of Chest Physicians; American College Of Clinical Pharmacology; American College Of Clinical Pharmacy; Association Of Chinese Community Physicians; cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies (Ying)
abbr., mil. Army Correspondence Course Program
abbr., mil., avia. air carrier contract personnel
abbr., nautic., scient. Atlantic Climate Change Program
abbr., ocean. acoustical correlation current profiler
abbr., oncol. Alliance for Cervical Cancer Prevention
abbr., oncol., med. Alliance For Cervical Cancer Prevention
abbr., scient. Addictions Counseling Certificate Program; American College Of Contingency Planners
energ.ind. advanced coal conversion process
mil. air carrier contract personnel; Army correspondence course program
tech. automatic gain calibration program